There are 2 repositories under cordova-android-plugin topic.
Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
Access and modify badge numbers
Edit and send email messages
Print HTML documents
This iOS/Android Cordova/PhoneGap plugin enables audio capture from the device microphone, by in near real-time forwarding audio to the web layer of your application. A typical usage scenario for this plugin would be to use the captured audio as source for a web audio node chain, where it then can be analyzed, manipulated and/or played.
Copy SQLite Database from www folder to default app database location
Cordova plugin for native forward and reverse geocoding
:white_square_button: Cordova Plugin for ProGuard
This cordova plugin enables you to open a second webview
Cordova/PhoneGap CanvasCamera Plugin
Cordova Plugin to preview any file in native mode by providing the local or external URL
:arrows_counterclockwise: Cordova plugin for showing a native spinner based on Paldom/SpinnerDialog
Cordova Local Notifications Plugin
Zip compression/decompression for the cordova/phonegap platform
Enable Multidex for Cordova Android apps with over 64K methods
Example Cordova plugin for iOS and Android to support blog post.
Open YouTube video in app or use the browser as fallback for Android & iOS. Plugin goal is to show YouTube video via native app or mobile website to count for views.
This application is targeting the mobile user intends to help the user for house renting. A user can find houses or even the owner can post here to rent his or her house.
🌚/🌞 Apache Cordova plugin to enable proper dark mode support for Android WebView's
cordova for alipay
Shared preferences for Cordova. Save and retrieve persistent key-value pairs of any Javascript data type.
Use Android Account Manager and iOS Keychain to manage accounts of one user and share with other applications of the same vendor
Cordova X5 腾讯浏览服务
Cordova Plugin that implements MLKit Translation and Language Identification features.
This is a mobile application for helping the firefighters to rescue the victims on time. It has two parts: hardware and software. The hardware part will be sold by the firefighters to the users and registered the mac address along with user details through this application. So whenever there are gas leakage or set fire in any houses then instantly the notification will come to all the firefighters whoever has this application and then they can take necessary actions, if the incident has been solved by the fire service then they can set the incident as solved. Its notification has the coordinate of the registered user's house which was instantly sent by the hardware part. The hardware part has the capability to send coordinates and the MQ-2 sensor data to the central fire service database. Even it can play alarm locally in the house.
Sets Cordova app's web view to use wide viewport.
Cordova plugin for Sunmi card reading
Cordova SDK for WonderPush − Advanced push notification service for mobile applications and Websites. High volume, fast delivery and full-featured starting €1/month.
Automatically inject Cordova platform and plugin scripts into your site. Supports Android and iOS.
This plugin allows you to read and save files using the Storage Access Framework and Mediastore on Android only.
Ionic Framework example app for both iOS and Android to convert voice to text on the fly.
Cordova HTTP plugin using Node.js http module interface
This plugin gives access to every android sensors.
Prevents Android status bar to be swiped down to display system quick menu
🕵️♂️ Apache Cordova plugin to get specific Android device information