There are 0 repository under config-manager topic.
Echo is your personal AI assistant on Telegram, designed to enhance your productivity by providing a seamless needs. With MongoDB integration, your reminders, schedules, broadcast, APIs and others persist even if the bot restarts, ensuring you never miss a moment.
Organize your neovim config and features by fur. Have fun with features opt-in and hot-reload.
Config Manager for python using yaml
A lightweight and easy-to-use configuration manager for Node.js applications written in TypeScript. It provides a simple interface for managing configuration files.
Magically reads and writes config files for humans.
"SpigotToolkit: Streamline plugin development in Spigot API. Manage configs, localize messages, handle commands/events, create GUIs effortlessly. Your essential companion for crafting exceptional plugins."
Conway's Game of life as a PySide version 6 widget.
The pyconfigurationmanager package provides a set of utilities for managing configuration settings in Python applications. It includes classes and functions for loading configuration data from files, auditing configuration changes, and ensuring secure access to configuration files.
A Package to manage local config files from the command line.