There are 1 repository under cloud-server topic.
JmalCloud It's a private cloud storage project that makes it simple and secure to manage your files in the cloud. JmalCloud 是一款私有云存储网盘项目,能够简单安全管理您的云端文件
You can get a lifetime of FREE VPS using GitHub Codespaces with Kali Linux Docker image installed on github workspace terminal.
Flowinity (formerly PrivateUploader) is the ultimate open source image uploader and file storage solution.
Class Project - A method to pre-process a file before storing it on a cloud storage server so that the server cannot read the file content but a desired peer can.
Shell configuration dotfiles for cloud servers - predefined settings, prompt and aliases to enable rapidly applying customizations to new hosts
Robust and easy to use Proxmox API Client able to access and manage your proxmox installation on demand.
go library for accessing the Arubacloud API
Use z-score analysis to find out anomalous behavior in the room by analyzing the condition of the light in your room.
An easy way to deploy a cloud server running Plone. Definitive repo is now
이웃끼리 거래하자 - 위치 기반 거래 플랫폼 :: 이웃사촌
A New Tab Extension To Check Your Cloud Server Status That Are Made By ArvanCloud
A simple cloud server that runs on a local network, written in Go.
A open source microservice project for BlaBla
ESP8266's code for connection between server and CNC machine.
Groupme Bot that displays Crypto Currency Prices upon request
Parse and validate the IP ranges of cloud servers
Partition and mount additional drive to an OVH public cloud vm server bash script.
Coding Ninjas assignment for a simple shopping app using react.
Cloud-based file server app with desktop GUI. Allows users to manage their accounts, upload/delete/rename/move/copy files, encryption/decryption of passwords, split files into chunks, store in multiple containers, share files with other users, restore deleted files for 30 days.
An android app to do smartphone privacy management by Java.
A collection of titles from the series "Ys". Past, present, and future releases all collated and available for web browser/ online play.