There are 3 repositories under cipher-crack topic.
This repository contains a Python implementation of HMM and MCMC methods for text decryption. These methods are applied for decrypting messages which have been encoded using a various ciphers.
The place for Bitcoin related puzzles!
Program which cracks Vigenere cipher, for English cipher text
Program that takes simple substitution ciphers and outputs the possible results of that cipher. Implemented using C++, STL, and open hash tables.
This program can crack varies ciphers (cesar, monoalphabetic, vigenere).
Breaking classical ciphers
Crack traditional ciphers through dictionary attacks
python script that allow based on a keyword crypt or decryp an inputfile content based on the polyalphabetic-vigenere-cipher algorithm
Cipher cracking (Vigenere) with Genetic Algorithms in C# using the Genetic Sharp Library.
The automatic cryptography challenge solver & basic framework. Created August 2017.
Symmetric Cipher Breaking Using Genetic and Memetic Algorithms
A web tool for decrypting substitution cipher.