There are 1 repository under chronology topic.
🎬 jQuery timeline plugin, easily creates timeline slider.
Timeline - chronological visualization of your data
⛓ React chronology component providing dual chronological timelines.
Analysis of Chronological Patterns from Archaeological Count Data - Moved to
I am ZTimestamp, a Magnitude, a point in time, an alternative to DateAndTime and TimeStamp
Preparation of Object Dating Ranges for Density Plots
WordPress plugin to create timelines and display achievements in a chronological way.
Chronle - A Daily Chronological Timeline Game
.NetCore Library for parsing relaxed and strict date and time related expressions
Chron is a tool for resolving chronological constraints in genealogies and chronologies of historical documents such as the Bible.
DESIGN DECISIONS 🙴 PROJECTS (for use in your work and open for contribution or realization in other languages)
chrongler wrangles categorical chronological data
R package ChronochRt - building chronological charts easily with R
Chronological Watch Order Lists of TV/Movie Universes.
A place to save all my personal documents, images and other stuff to add to my Timeline project.
Chronologie des femmes artistes
Music to wake up by from NASA turned into data
Generates posts for
An almost complete list of my presentations, lectures, and workshops with slides and such for some of them
Dépôt pour l'Atelier Archéomatique 18.2: Analyser et regrouper des périodes chronologiques avec R et Rstudio
Dataset of 18 tephra layers at 253 securely-dated settlement sites in Viking Age Iceland from (pre-) 877 AD to 1693 AD
Tables on the Phenomena of Aratus and the chronology of Maximus from the famous Uranologion by Dionysius Petavius.
ETL repository for analysing burial mounds dataset from Bulgaria