There are 10 repositories under callgraph topic.
Visualize call graph of a Go program using Graphviz
Programs for producing static and dynamic (runtime) call graphs for Java programs
ANTLR4 language support for Visual Studio Code
A graph-based code navigation plugin for Visual Studio
CLI to generate an interactive graph of functions and calls from your TypeScript files
A tool based on clang which generates a call graph from a given C++ codebase
Turn your APM data store into a Data Warehouse with advanced reporting, including entities, configuration, metrics, flowmaps, events, snapshots and call graph flame graphs
Java bytecode analyzer customizable via JSON rules
Code relationship graph visualization plugin of sublime editor
A tool for analyzing and visualizing complex software architecture hierarchies
gen-callgraph is a script to generate call graph from elf binary
Call graph based on Abstract Syntax Tree in Javascript
A library for extracting and analyzing definition/reference graphs from your codebase. Powered by tree-sitter and LSIF/SCIP.
Generating the call graph from elf binary file
Dump the call graph by the static analysis of FlowDroid
use asm to parse classNode then get method invoke relations.解析获得方法调用链路
JCT is a call graph generator that works via byte code instrumentation. it records the flow through your application to gather call statistics. It helps to analyze which code is still used in production and which code can be removed (e.g. for big monolithic legacy applications)
Provide a simple (but may be effective) way to draw static call diagram of Python code
基于PIn动态插桩框架的函数-循环嵌套关系分析工具:function-loop call graph profiler using Pin (Unofficial implementation of paper: Identifying Potential Parallelism via Loop-centric Profiling)
A number of utilities for writing ACSL specifications for a Linux module.