There are 5 repositories under bmkg-api topic.
REST API prakiraan cuaca 34 provinsi 3 harian dan gempa terkini, sumber BMKG
Morie API is a collection of free APIs that you can use whenever you need, just like the name Morie comes from Japanese which means a forest with many trees, that's how this project describes a collection of APIs or is called a tree.
Twitter post from BMKG data using Google Apps Script
Aplikasi Info Gempa BMKG
unofficial REST API built with node.js
Konversi data gempa BMKG dari XML ke GeoJSON
Info gempa dari bmkg all script
Aplikasi android BSMI Mobile - Info gempa bumi, erupsi dan tsunami
Sebuah website yang menggunakan data bmkg untuk mengecek cuaca di provinsi NTB
Dart library for fetching data from
BMKG Gempa Unofficial JSON API using Simple HTML DOM PHP.
Aplikasi Codeigniter x BMKG x Gempa adalah aplikasi berbasis web yang menampilkan data gempa bumi yang terjadi di wilayah Indonesia.
this is project wheather api from bmkg data⛈️
This lambda automation will scrape BMKG api endpoint for recent earthquake and notify you using AWS Incident Manager by Phone/SMS if there is an earthquake near your set point of interest
Chatbot Check Weather is a chatbot application developed using the Java programming language.