There are 1 repository under blame topic.
Quickly browse the history of a file from any git repository
Git Blame plugin for Neovim written in Lua
A git blame plugin for neovim inspired by VS Code's GitLens plugin
What to Read to Learn More About DevOps
Stop trying to always blame others and take some responsibility already.
ABAP Time Machine provides a much needed way to look at past versions of code in a consistent way. It also provides a sort of git-blame for ABAP (shows the request and author that last modified each line of code).
A vim9 plugin inspired by VSCode's GitLens.
Blame was a multipurpose discord bot with over 400+ commands! From server protection to entertainment, keeping your members interacting. The bot that redefined versatility.
Vim plugin which is like `git-blame`, but for pull requests on GitHub
A nicer git blame.
📝 SVN Blamer - A VS Code extension to visually SVN-blame your code
Error report for: CSSLint/EditorConfig/ESLint/HTMLHint/JSCS/JSHint/PostCSS/Standard/TSLint/XO
Fork of the LiveBlame-module from RAD Studio Version Insight plus
🕵 Interactive mode for hg blame that traces when a particular line was introduced - not just when it was last edited
`git blame` a single line and get output in JSON. Written in TypeScript.
Shelling out to git blame in a streaming Node fashion.
Extract only relevant history from git repo
big PR in multi-team repo? unclear who to ask for review? you're in luck.
A CLI that wraps a few Git commands to help you understand who's effectively maintaining a codebase
Desenvolvimento Web Avançado 2022 com PHP, Laravel
Repositório do curso Jornada do Conhecimento de DevOps (Nível Intermediário) - Git e Github: estratégias de ramificação, Conflitos e Pull Requests da plataforma Alura.