There are 0 repository under barcodescanner topic.
Barcode scanner plugin for flutter. Supports barcode scanning for Android and iOS
Barcode Scanner using GoogleVision API for Xamarin Form, Maui
QRCodeReader with V3QRCodeReaderFramework
🔍 Simple & easy application that helps you to scan both EAN8 and EAN13 barcodes.
Scan QR Code & Barcode
Detect QRCode and BarCode using OpenCV in Python
Repository contains Node JS Library for communicating with the Aspose.BarCode Cloud API
Repository contains Python Library for communicating with the Aspose.BarCode Cloud API
How to implement Barcode and QRCode Scan in Flutter
Repository contains .NET Library for communicating with the Aspose.BarCode Cloud API
Bar code and QR code generator and scanner built in Swift
Go module for communicating with the Aspose.BarCode Cloud API
Demonstration of using Android Oreo Intents In Delphi with A Honeywell Scanner
Projeto Android (Barcode Scanner API) do artigo
Repository contains PHP Library for communicating with the Aspose.BarCode Cloud API
Repository contains Java Library for communicating with the Aspose.BarCode Cloud API
A Simple helper for GeneralScan Barcode scanner's Bluetooth feature. This helper is just based on the library which can be found here
Aspose.BarCode Cloud Documentation
Приложение распознаёт штрихкоды формата EAN13 с загруженного фото
Projeto Kotlin Android (capítulo 13) do livro "Desenvolvedor Kotlin Android"
Instant Barcode image for links, text etc and a chrome extension.
A barcode scanner page for xamarin forms
The scope of this automation process project is get from QR code which trucks are passed of control point, and save the data of all transactions into json file.
WebCam Barcode Reader
Sample application to showcase how armanager-lib-android is working
Android Kotlin Barcode Read and Create
Barcode scanner is developed using ReactJs library. Features includes scanning barcodes which then displays it, recent one being on the top of the list. Other features like clear and done buttons are added. This app is created using Scandit barcode scanner sdk for web.
An implementation of barcode scanner using swift and swiftui
Barcode Scanner App - React Native
Print, open cashdrawer & scan barcodes with Star mPOP