There are 0 repository under backward-elimination topic.
Automated Backward and Forward Selection On Python
Implementation of backward elimination algorithm used for dimensionality reduction for improving the performance of risk calculation in life insurance industry.
Toolkit for Doing Research with ECMAScript-based Statistics (DRESS Kit)
As part of this project, I have used Machine Learning (classification) algorithms for classification of tumors in Human Breasts as Non-Cancerous/ Benign or Cancerous/ Malignant tumors.
Multiple linear regression model implementation with automated backward elimination (with p-value and adjusted r-squared) in Python and R for showing the relationship among profit and types of expenditures and the states.
Built 20 multivariable logistic regression models to analyze the relationships between variables of local public health infrastructure and best practices
Classification with Feature Selection and Extraction Methods
Year after year the percentage of carbon dioxide emissions in Jordan increase dramatically, and this lead to increase the temperature , to investigate this, the project aims to study the impact of CO2 emissions in on temperature and then use deep learning algorithm to predict the CO2 emission level through the next 10 years
Multiple linear regression has been used in order to provide a predictions regarding the common factors that affect the life expectancy.
According to WHO(world health organization) survey in 2014, the dataset contains nourished and malnourished child information (under 5). The job is to find out whether a child is malnourished or not when a new data will come applying machine learning algorithm.
Selecting the best startup to invest by analyzing the profit and its expense in different fields using the Multiple Linear Regression
Feature Selection Using Python (Forward Selection and Backward Elimination)
Uses nearest neighbor algorithm to find which feature is the best indicator for a certain class attribute
This project estimates a multiple linear regression of 50 startups and how their expenses on R & D, administration, marketing, and location can be significant or not to their profits.
Analysis of the Underlying Dynamics in the Stock Market: Stock Price of Southwest Airlines and Its Relationship with Other Stocks in the Market
Classification model that can predict whether a tumor is Benign or Malignant.
Classification model to classify whether a customer is going to churn or not. Using the dataset EDA is done.
Analyzed financial reports of startups and developed a multiple linear regression model which was optimized using backwards elimination to determine which independent variables were statistically significant to the company's earnings.
Answer to how to select variables in data set and build simpler, faster, more reliable and interpretable ML models
The goal of this assignment is to gain practical experience of performing regression on a small but realistic dataset, using a machine learning package.
In this repository, I have explored various regression algorithms. The code is currently incomplete as I am still working on finalizing it.
A Python implementation of feature selection algorithms using k-Nearest Neighbor classification. This project implements three different search strategies for finding optimal feature subsets: Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, and Simulated Annealing.