There are 3 repositories under antd-admin topic.
MERN Antd Admin MongoDB Nodejs React Node Js Rest Api CRUD Auth
Ant Design Pro based on Vite
MERN Antd Admin MongoDB Nodejs React Node Js Rest Api CRUD Auth
ailu-admin 是一个 React + React-Router + Antd 开发的中后台管理系统
( 迁移 => )-太极(TaiJi)-基于 React + TypeScript + Vite + Antd + Electron 实现的伪微前端模板(适用于开发大型/复杂项目但又人数较少的情况)
ant design 后台管理系统模板
MERN Antd Admin MongoDB Nodejs React Node Js Rest Api CRUD Auth
A react admin template with Ant Design UI & axios & iconfont & permission control & lint
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