There are 0 repository under anko-library topic.
This sample app is created to demonstrate the usage of Android Architecture Components with MVVM architecture
Library for implementation Navigation Drawer with styles in Anko
Kotlin Anko - common dialogs using kotlin anko library
Projeto Android (Anko Commons) do artigo
A quick introduction how to use Kotlin Anko DSL library.
eBookShop app built on Android Architecture Components & MVVM
App to demostrate the networking in android using Kotlin and JetBrains anko libraray
This is a sample app that demonstrates usage of Kotlin
Aplicativo Android para realizar Scrobble no
App para almacenar comercios he imágenes, ademas guardando en SQLite con la librería Room de google
android Java / Kotlin app samfantozzi powered by EuroSecom in Android Studio 3.0
Application pour découvrir Kotlin et l'extension ANKO sous Android 8. L'application permet d'enregistrer le vin préféré de ses amis.
A Sample HelloKotlin app using Kotlin
How to use MVP pattern with some major rest Api in Kotlin world :)
Android App de ejemplo donde se emplea Room para almacenar datos localmente en el dispositivo
Model project, using Kotlin's Anko, also implementing a helper that manages Android M runtime permissions.
Membuat RecyclerView Menggunakan Groupie dan anko common
This sample app is created to demonstrate the usage of Android Architecture Components with MVVM architecture
App to fetch farmer data from api, save in database and allow user edit loacal data
Converting a note taking app written in Java to Kotlin
Exemple simple d'utilisation de ANKO Layout avec Kotlin sous Android 8.