There are 3 repositories under angular-material2 topic.
A chat application implemented using, TypeScript, Angular and Angular Material components
Most extensive Angular interview questions based on your level.
:panda_face: Angular Material Components created from the community
Angular 4+ server-side rendering solution compatible with @angular/material, jQuery, and other libraries that touch the DOM (as well as providing a rich feature set!)
Very simple Angular6+ Material Design progress buttons
Persian Jalali datepicker for Angular Material - dependent on (material, cdk, moment-jalaali)
POS written in Angular 4 with Angular Material UI
How to build a reusable Modal Overlay/Dialog Using Angular CDK
neo4j, express, angular, node
MEAN stack authentication boilerplate with Angular 5 and Angular Material
Example repository with Hacker News implementation using Angular, Angular Material & ngx-model
Virtual Keyboard for Angular applications
Angular Material 2 sample project with shared AppMaterialModule
An Angular 2 Tech Event Application using Angular Material components
MdTable using DataSource with ngrx and as backend API
An implementation of Firelist using Angular ⌨️🥊🔥
Angular Material2 + Firebase Sample App
Using custom date formats for Angular Material Date Picker
Companion to Angular Material Lessons
How to use Fill and Outline Form Control Appearance in Angular 2 Material Design
Angular Material Starter
Angular 2 Web app with Lazy loading, preloading routes , AOT and angular material 2 latest, with offline caching and push notification using service worker and firebase as backend with angularfire2
Source code of the official StudyBuddy web client.
Ferrets 博客是一个欢迎所有人加入的博客平台。
Cash Deposit App with Golang, Angular 6, and PostgreSQL
A desktop Angular X application facilitating User login and registration to gain access to guarded content. The purpose of the application is to show an approach to removing a presentational component's direct references to a Redux Store.
AngularJS2 with Material Design and Drupal 8 as backend
Angular5 sample calculator
How to generate a datatable library with angular6+ angular-material and cli
Angular admin with material design
Dummy angular5, nestjs, typeorm stack (with material desing and flex-layout) - Gotyped all the way
Angular web application for food ordering