There are 0 repository under algolia-places topic.
5 Day Forecast app that works on Android and uses latest tools (Kotlin, Navigation, Room, LiveData, Databinding, Dagger 2)
Elastic Path + Gatsby powered online store
React/preact wrapper for Algolia Places
An in-cache, searchable database of 41,000 global cities. It’s designed as a light-weight polyfill for ‘cities’ in Algolia's places API, for when it sunsets in May 2022
Laravel Nova algolia places field for address autocomplete
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) field for Algolia Places
Implement the Algolia Places Address Search Auto Completion Menu on Shiny Text Inputs
Demo that shows how to build an address autocomplete experience with Typesense. Alternative for Algolia Places and Google Maps API
A Location Autocomplete Field for Statamic V3
Practice Project for Laravel/Vue Weather App
🔎 Simple higher order component for algolia search
This weather app has been developed using Laravel, VueJS, Tailwind CSS and Algolia Places.
Weather application develoment in react js example
weather app with Laravel vuejs and darksky API
Developing weather app using tailwindcss, vue.js and laravel8
A responsive weather app
Antipodes - Ever wonder what is on the opposite side of the world?
A crowd sourced website where Caribbean people can go to to find and add restaurants, grocery stores, and more places that sell West Indian products around the world. This site uses the Spectre CSS framework by @picturepan2
w/ Vue and Tailwind, From Youtube Tutorial: Weather App w/ Vue, Tailwind CSS & Laravel , Link:
Simple weather app built with Laravel,Vue.js and Tailwind
Check out the weather of any city!