There are 4 repositories under airline-management-system topic.
Flight Management System using MERN Stack. It consists of an Admin Panel having specified permissions to access the database along with a Customer Panel having specified CRUD operations control and book as many tickets as they want. This was a fifth semester project for Database Systems course of FAST NUCES.
Airline Reservation System is an online Airline Ticket Reservation Application built using Windows Forms, C#, MS SQL Server.
DevRev-Air, a highly efficient and reliable backend application responsible for seamlessly managing multiple facets of flight operations, including flight management, booking systems, real-time notifications, and secure payment processing. It incorporates a Microservice MVC architecture.
Airline Management System front-end using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap
The Airplane Ticket Booking and Management System is a modern web application designed to streamline the process of booking and managing flight tickets. By leveraging the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js), the system provides users with a user-friendly interface for searching, booking, and managing flight tickets efficiently.
A simple JAVA console application for reservation of flight and management of planes
Arilne Management System to book tickets for the flights, Application built using java and Mysql Database.
Airline Management System || Tech Stack: Java 11 / JDBC / MySQL
Airline Reservation System where you can create/update/delete passengers, add flights and their schedules, passengers make/update reservations with interactive UI.
Data Structure & Algorithm project. Airline Management System (A private jet hiring concept) – php, scss, Microsoft SQL.
In this project, I am using airline dataset on which I will apply different basic dataset operations.
CSE302-ORACLE-APEX-Projects : Airline Management System
DevRev-Air, a highly efficient and reliable backend application responsible for seamlessly managing multiple facets of flight operations, including flight management, booking systems, real-time notifications, and secure payment processing. It incorporates a Microservice MVC architecture.
Airline Management Project
A desktop GUI application developed by a talented team of five members as part of their 3rd-semester BSc IT course.
PHP-based Airline Reservation System
[First Semester Project] ----- The whole project was planned and programmed in just a single day. I showcased this project under the CSE115 course which was a course on C language.
This repository contains the code and analysis for predicting flight cancellations for American Airlines Inc. using logistic regression, as well as exploratory data analysis (EDA) of the dataset.
This system allows users to search for available flights based on their preferred dates, destinations, and other criteria. Once users find suitable flights, they can proceed to book tickets securely through the platform.
An airline ticket processing system for a fictitious airline company "Euro Air"
A simple Java code to solve your Aircraft Routing Problem
Manage airline operations. It includes features such as viewing flight details, adding customer information, booking flights, managing journey details, ticket cancellation, and generating boarding passes. The system is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and a visually appealing interface.
Database project for airline management.
Airline database in MySQL written in VScode
AirlineTicketManager is a Java Swing application designed for managing and issuing airline tickets.
Silly Skies is an airline management system developed using Java and MySQL. It provides comprehensive features to manage airline operations, including booking management, flight scheduling, passenger information, and more. This README file outlines the installation, usage, and contribution guidelines for the Silly Skies project.
This Java project is an Airline Reservation System built using Swing and AWT for the user interface. The backend is powered by SQL, managed with a XAMPP server. It allows users to book, manage, and track flight reservations efficiently.
C program of airline management system that has airline menu and passenger menu. For the airline menu, users can add and display flights. For the passenger menu, users can make and display reservations, and search and display flights.
FlightsManagerDOTNet is an ASP.NET MVC app for airport employees to manage flights, tickets, and customer service. It features CRUD operations and meal tracking. Future updates include JWT authentication, customer rebooking, and advanced reporting.
A Flight Management System designed to assist individuals in navigating the worldwide network of airline flights
Airselo is an Aeroplane Food Management System designed to streamline and automate the process of managing food services on flights.
Final Project for web programming Class
An Airline Management System Designed to Streamline Airline Oprations , including Flight Scheduling ,Ticket Booking, Passenger Management and Staff Coordination. Built with [ Java, Swing , Awt, Rest Api's], It ensures efficient and user- friendly management for airline and passengers.