There are 4 repositories under 2d-bin-packing topic.
A variant of the Largest Area Fit First (LAFF) algorithm + brute force algorithm
A solver for (geometrical) packing problems
Guillotine-based bin packing implementation
C# based project explain all steps of genetic algorithm on a simple application for 2D-bin-packing
This package contains a PHP implementation to solve 3D bin packing problems.
A 2D bin/strip-packing problem solving python package
A mini project for Fundamentals of Optimization course of SoICT - HUST
This algorithm is used for 2D Packing of rectangles in a rectangular bin
Applications of Metaheuristic Optimization in Python
A CLI program to tell the Most Efficient pacement of rectangles in a bin
An approximation algorithm to solve two dimensional bin packing problem, using binary tree as its fundamental concept.
This program simulates work of the shop merchandiser and track all of his moves
Two dimensional container package problem (2BP)
Kaggle problem Packing Santa's Sleigh