topaxi / regex-exercise

Regular expression exercises, mishmash between my own and LLM generated

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Regular Expressions Exercises


This document is written in Markdown, which is a small and simple formatted language, which can be rendered into a rich document. To view this document in a more readable way, open it on Github using your browser :)

Cheatsheet and help

Tokens Description
[abc] Match a single character of a, b or c
[^abc] Match a single character except a, b or c
[a-z] Match a single character in the range of a to z
[^a-z] Match a single character not in the range of a to z
[a-zA-Z] Match a single character in the range of a to z or A to Z
. Match any single character
\s Match a single whitespace character
\S Match a single non-whitespace character
\d Match a single digit
\D Match a single non-digit
\w Match a single word character (similar to [a-zA-Z] but also includes underscore, umlauts etc.)
\W Match a single non-word character
\b Match a single word boundary
\B Match a single non-word boundary
\n Match a single newline
\r Match a single carriage return (files originating from Windows terminate each line with \n\r, all other systems just \n)
\t Match a single tab character
\p{P} or \p{Punct} Match a single punctuation character (in Python Regular Expressions)
[[:punct:]] Match a single punctuation character (in egrep or grep -E Regular Expressions)
Upsi|Lou Match either Upsi or Lou, note: prefer to use this with parenthesis
(...) Capture any enclosed token(s), useful to reference back to the captured value or to group tokens with | (or)
^(Upsi|Lou)$ Match either Upsi or Lou as the only word on a line (due to start and end tokens)
^(auf|ab)\w+ Match a word starting with auf- or ab-
(\w)\1 Match two consecutive word characters, \1 refers to the first group of parenthesis, \2 would refer to a second group
\w? Match zero or one word character
\w* Match zero or more word characters
\w+ Match one or more word characters
\w{3} Match exactly (any) three word characters
\w{3,} Match three or more word characters
\w{3,5} Match between three or five word characters
^ Start of line or string
$ End of line or string

Matching simple substrings

Exercise 1: Matching Words

Write a regular expression to match the word "apple" in the given text.

Text: "I like apples and bananas."

Exercise 2: Matching Email Addresses

Write a regular expression to match email addresses in the given text.

Text: "You can contact me at or"

Exercise 3: Matching Phone Numbers

Write a regular expression to match phone numbers in the format "(123) 456-7890" in the given text.

Text: "Please call (555) 123-4567 for more information."

Exercise 4: Matching Dates

Write a regular expression to match dates in the format "DD.DD.YYYY" in the given text.

Text: "The meeting is scheduled for 25.12.2023. Please confirm your attendance."

Exercise 5: Matching URLs

Write a regular expression to match URLs starting with "http://" or "https://" in the given text. URLs can include letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods.

Text: "Visit our website at or"

Exercise 6: Matching Hashtags

Write a regular expression to match hashtags (words starting with a #) in the given text. Text: "I love #programming and #coding challenges."

Exercise 7: Matching Special Characters

Write a regular expression to match any sequence of special characters in the given text. Text: "!!??%%%$$ This is a line with some special characters ##**@@".

Exercise 8: Matching Words with Hyphens

Write a regular expression to match words containing hyphens in the given text.

Text: "The high-level programming language is user-friendly."

Exercise 9: Matching Words with Apostrophes

Write a regular expression to match words containing apostrophes (e.g., "can't" or "I'm") in the given text.

Text: "I can't believe I'm going to the party tonight."

Exercise 10: Matching Multiple Words

Write a regular expression to match the words "cat" and "dog" in the given text.

Text: "My cat and dog are best friends."

Matching with character classes

Exercise 1: Matching Alphabetic Characters

Write a regular expression to match all alphabetic characters in the given text.

Text: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Exercise 2: Matching Digits

Write a regular expression to match all digits in the given text.

Text: "12345 is a sequence of numbers."

Exercise 3: Matching Alphanumeric Characters

Write a regular expression to match all alphanumeric characters in the given text.

Text: "A7B3x9zY2 is a mix of letters and numbers."

Exercise 4: Matching Non-Alphanumeric Characters

Write a regular expression to match all non-alphanumeric characters in the given text.

Text: "Special characters: !@#$%^&*()"

Exercise 5: Matching Whitespace

Write a regular expression to match all whitespace characters in the given text.

Text: "Tabs\tand spaces are whitespace characters."

Exercise 6: Matching Word Characters

Write a regular expression to match all word characters (letters, digits, and underscore) in the given text.

Text: "Regex_123 and Python3 are examples of word characters."

Exercise 7: Matching Punctuation

Write a regular expression to match all punctuation characters in the given text.

Text: "Punctuation marks: .,;?!-"

Exercise 8: Matching Lowercase Letters

Write a regular expression to match all lowercase letters in the given text.

Text: "The quick brown fox."

Exercise 9: Matching Uppercase Letters

Write a regular expression to match all uppercase letters in the given text.

Text: "The ABBR is an abbreviation."

Exercise 10: Matching Alphabetic Characters in a Specific Range

Write a regular expression to match all alphabetic characters between 'm' and 'r' (inclusive) in the given text.

Text: "The summer vacation is marvelous!"

Matching with anchors

Exercise 1: Matching Lines Starting with a Word

Write a regular expression to match lines that start with the word "Hello" in the given text.


Hello, how are you?
Hi there!
Hello, it's a beautiful day.

Exercise 2: Matching Lines Ending with a Word

Write a regular expression to match lines that end with the word "goodbye" or "goodbye" with any punctuation in the given text.


Saying goodbye to friends is hard.
Goodbye, see you later!
Have a great day, not just a goodbye.
Saying goodbye
to your dog is very hard.

Exercise 3: Matching Lines Starting and Ending with a Word

Write a regular expression to match lines that both start and end with the word "start" in the given text.


Start your engines and get ready to start!
The race is about to start.
The end is just as important as the start.

Exercise 4: Matching Lines with Exact Word

Write a regular expression to match lines that contain the exact word "apple" in the given text. "Apple" should not be part of another word.


I have an apple and a pineapple.
The apple is red.
He's very happy.

Exercise 5: Matching Empty Lines

Write a regular expression to match empty lines (lines with no characters) in the given text.


This is a line with content.

Another empty line.

Exercise 6: Matching Lines with Digits at the Start

Write a regular expression to match lines that start with one or more digits in the given text.


123 Main Street
Avenue 456
No digits here.
42 is the answer.

Exercise 7: Matching Lines with Digits at the End

Write a regular expression to match lines that end with one or more digits in the given text.


Apples 123
No numbers in this line.
99 bottles of beer on the wall 42

Exercise 8: Matching Lines with Uppercase Letters

Write a regular expression to match lines that contain at least one uppercase letter in the given text.


hello world
No uppercase letters here.
This Line Has Uppercase Letters

Exercise 9: Matching Lines with Word Boundaries

Write a regular expression to match lines that contain the word "car" as a whole word in the given text.


Cars are cool.
My car is fast.
Carpet is soft.
I'm going to the car shop.

Exercise 10: Matching Lines with Specific Punctuation

Write a regular expression to match lines that contain the exclamation mark at the end of the line in the given text.


This is exciting!
Wow, that's impressive!
No excitement here
Good job!

Matching with quantifiers

Exercise 1: Matching Variable-Length Numbers

Write a regular expression to match any sequence of one or more digits in the given text.

Text: "There are 42 students in the class, and the answer is 7."

Exercise 2: Matching Repeated Digits

Write a regular expression to match three consecutive digits in the given text.

Text: "The product key is 4555321."

Exercise 3: Matching Optional Characters

Write a regular expression to match words that can be spelled with or without a trailing "u" (e.g., "color" or "colour") in the given text.

Text: "The color/colour of the sky is blue."

Exercise 4: Matching Repetitions of a Specific Character

Write a regular expression to match words with three consecutive "x" characters in the given text.

Text: "The fox jumped over the foxx fence."

Exercise 5: Matching Repeated Words

Write a regular expression to match repeated words (e.g., "the the") in the given text.

Text: "Yesterday the the cat chased the the mouse."

Exercise 6: Matching Phone Numbers

Write a regular expression to match phone numbers in the format "(123) 456-7890" that may or may not include parentheses around the area code.

Text: "Call (555) 123-4567 or 555-7890 for assistance."

Exercise 7: Matching Dates

Write a regular expression to match dates in the format "DD.MM.YYYY" with varying numbers of digits (e.g., "15.1.2023" or "5.12.23") in the given text.

Text: "The important dates are 15.1.2023 and 5.12.23."

Exercise 8: Matching Words with a Specific Number of Vowels

Write a regular expression to match words with exactly three vowels in the given text.

Text: "The quiet cat slept peacefully."

Exercise 9: Matching Repeated Patterns

Write a regular expression to match any sequence of "ab" characters repeated one or more times in the given text.

Text: "The pattern abababab is repeated."

Exercise 10: Matching Email Addresses

Write a regular expression to match email addresses that contain a variable number of letters, digits, dots, and underscores, followed by the "@" symbol, and then a domain with a variable number of letters and dots.

Text: "Contact us at or"

Matching with alternates

Exercise 1: Matching Programming Languages

Write a regular expression to match the names of either "Python" or "JavaScript" in the given text.

Text: "I enjoy programming in Python and JavaScript."

Exercise 2: Matching Colors

Write a regular expression to match colors "red," "blue," or "green" in the given text.

Text: "The flag can be red, blue, or green."

Exercise 3: Matching Days of the Week

Write a regular expression to match any day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.) in the given text.

Text: "The meeting is scheduled for Monday or Friday."

Exercise 4: Matching File Extensions

Write a regular expression to match files with either a ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".png" extension in the given text.

Text: "Valid images formats are .jpg, .jpeg and .png files."

Exercise 5: Matching Phone Numbers

Write a regular expression to match phone numbers that start with either "(123)" or "(456)" in the given text.

Text: "Contact us at (123) 456-7890 or (456) 123-9876 for assistance."

More exercises

Exercise 1: Using grep to List Titles

Using the grep command, list all titles (lines that start with #) of the "" file.


Regular expression exercises, mishmash between my own and LLM generated