top-on / projects-solar-panel-detection

List of project to detect solar panels from aerial/satellite images

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


List of project to detect solar panels from images (e.g. aerial or satellite)


Project name Task Tool License Images
DeepSolar Image classification & segmentation Tensorflow 1.X (Python 2.7) MIT aerial/satellite
DeepSolar Image classification Keras none aerial/satellite
Solar-Panels-Detection Semantic segmentation PyTorch none aerial/satellite
thermography Polygon proposals & segmentation Tensorflow none photos
Automatic-Defect-Inspection-of-Solar-Farm Object detection (defects) Tensorflow Object Detection API None Thermal images
solar-panel-locator Semantic segmentation Keras none aerial/satellite
DSI-Capstone-Project Superpixel classification skimage none aerial/satellite
DeepSolaris Image classification Keras none aerial/satellite


List of project to detect solar panels from aerial/satellite images