toolsqa / omelet

Web Automation Framework for Selenium WebDriver built on top of TestNG

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Build Status

What is Omelet

Very simple yet powerful automation library for Selenium WebDriver which uses one of the most popular test runner for UI Automation- TestNG

Salient Features

  • Multi Parallel testing
  • Data driver testing
  • Step level report generation
  • BrowserStack Integration/Auto tunnel
  • Auto screen Shot of failed test steps
  • Command Line support for CI integration
  • ExpectedConditionsExtended for PageObjects Design pattern
  • Auto Re-Run failed test cases and many more ...


  1. mvn clean install
  2. Jar will be created in target folder with name

Quick Start

  • Simple and StraightForward use omelet archetype run below command in console/Terminal(dont forgot to change groupId and artifactId in the command:)) Simply use below archType

    mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.yourGroupId -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=omelet-archetype-simple -DarchetypeGroupId=com.springer

Cd into the created folder , and then run mvn clean install

  • Or if you want to start manaully then follow below procedure

####For mavenised project copy omelet dependency and add to your pom.xml


Latest version can be checked on maven central over here

And reportNG dependency


Copy below listeners and add to you testsuite xml of TestNG. More info over here

	<listener class-name=""></listener>
	<listener class-name="com.springer.omelet.driver.DriverInitialization"></listener>
	<listener class-name=""></listener>
	<listener class-name="com.springer.omelet.driver.SuiteConfiguration"></listener>
	<listener class-name="org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter"></listener>

And you are ready to go

if above is too much for you then
Best way to start with Omelet is to clone sample project which can be used as template from here.


Omelet uses reportNG for reporting and there has to be guice dependency for reportNG to work You may face issue with dependencies related to ReportNG, do read this blog

Reports Path

  • If we do mvn test(or clean install ) then reports will be generated in target/surefire-reports/html/index.html

  • if we run via TestNg then report can be found in test-output/html/index.html


  • Simple Properties file
  • Xml
  • And now Google Sheets as well


Google Grooups:!forum/omelet Example Projects

  • Though everything works fine :) but more unit test cases
  • Off-course more documentation
  • Improve java docs
  • Naming convention
  • And some nitty-gritty stuff


Web Automation Framework for Selenium WebDriver built on top of TestNG


Language:Java 100.0%