toolboxtheplatform / toolbox.server

Serverside Implementation of Toolbox TP an Identity Access Management.

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Note: To use this project with built in user interface then use its client side implementation which could be found here

Currently many organizations use many, if not countless, online services, tools, web apps etc to bring productivity to their employees daily work. For employees, if it brings productivity on one hand then on the other hand they need to manage all these tools so that they can access them conveniently.

The current solution many employees use is the browsers default bookmarks. However, toolbox, bring all these tools at one place. All employees have to do is login to toolbox, where list of all the online services and tools can be viewed they need rather than going through inconvenient browser's default bookmark features they offer.

Toolbox is completely open source meaning companies can use this project and set it up either internally or in the cloud for their use.

In addition, it is completely customizable i.e. companies can customize its user interface as well as can add new features or remove for their use both on client and serverside.

Set up is as easy as it can be

Setting up of this project is simply clone it, npm install for dependency installation and deploy.


Very simple and easy to scale architecture. All it needs is implementation of new services for new features and you are good to go.

Technology stack

The technology stack used is below

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Passport

Client side of this project

The client side of this project could be found here


To run this project locally, use nodemon package. Run nodemon index.js in toolbox-server folder which will run its server. Then use the client side and run its server using npm start command and visit the url mentioned in terminal of the client side.

Note: Don't forget to setup database before following above video to setup this project.


This project requires setting up your own database on your machine. Please follow below links.

  • Windows
  • MacOS Make sure that homebrew is already installed on your machine.

Once you have that setup, make one admin account in Users collection, with properties username, password, email and role(which should be set to admin).

To create an admin user, go to http://localhost:PORTNUMBER/register and enter admin's details. Click register. Then go to mongodb CLI. use timoff database and use below query to update user's role to Admin.

db.users.update({"username": "root"}, {$set:{"role":"Admin"}})


In order to contribute, please open issues and make pull requests.