tonyskapunk / template-ocp-config

Template repository to bootstrap an OCP project in DCI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Template for a new DCI OpenShift project

Follow the requirements described in the DCI documentation to prepare the jumpbox.


Install the dci-pipeline and dci-openshift-app-agent rpm on your jumpbox.

Download the archive of this project on your jumpbox, like this:

$ wget

Extract it at the right location.

$ unzip
$ mv template-ocp-config-main <your company>-<lab>-config

All the files are expected to be installed into the home of the user running the pipelines. Just replace config with your own locations in the files (<your company>-<lab>-config).

$ cd ~/<your company>-<lab>-config
$ find . -type f|xargs sed -i -e "s@/config/@/<your company>-<lab>-config/@g"
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'initial version from template'

Ask your DCI contact to create your project on the dci-labs GitHub organization. And then push it there:

$ cd ~/<your company>-<lab>-config
$ git remote add origin<your company>-<lab>-config.git
$ git branch -M main
$ git push -u origin main

Then create the required directories and files for DCI to work:

$ cd
$ mkdir -p dci-cache-dir upload-errors .config/dci-pipeline
$ cat > .config/dci-pipeline/config <<EOF
PIPELINES_DIR=$HOME/<your company>-<lab>-config/pipelines

You can now customize the hooks, pipelines and inventories files for your own needs following the DCI documentation.

By default 2 job descriptions (ocp-4.12 and workload) and their associated hooks are present in the template.

The inventories are expecting dci-queue to be used with the following settings:

$ dci-queue add pool pool
$ dci-queue add resource pool cluster1

If you don't want to use dci-queue, just edit the the pipeline files to not use dynamic paths.


Template repository to bootstrap an OCP project in DCI