tonypiper / PrestaSitemapBundle

A symfony 2 bundle that provides tools to build a rich application sitemap. The main goals are : simple, no databases, various namespace (eg. google image), respect constraints etc.

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What PrestaSitemapBundle can do for you. The main goal is generate easily your sitemap.xml with several features you may need:

  • sitemapindex
  • google images, video, mobile and multilang urls
  • respect constraints (50k items / 10mB per files)
  • no database required
  • optionnal caching (using LiipDoctrineCacheBundle, disabled by default)


  1. Add to your composer.json

        "require": { 
            "presta/sitemap-bundle": "dev-master"
  2. Enable the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php

        public function registerBundles()
            $bundles = array(
                new Presta\SitemapBundle\PrestaSitemapBundle(),
  3. [optional] Add the routes to your app/config/routing.yml

        resource: "@PrestaSitemapBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        prefix:   /
  4. [optional] Configure the time to live in app/config/config.yml

    You may want to change the default 3600 seconds max-age set when rendering the sitemap. Edit the following configuration in your application.

        timetolive: 3600

    Also this value is used by the cache if you have installed and configured liip_doctrine_cache.

  5. [optional] Configure base URL for dumper in app/config/config.yml

    If you are going to use sitemap Dumper to create sitemap files by using CLI command you have to set the base URL of where you sitemap files will be accessible. The hostname of the URL will also be used to make Router generate URLs with hostname.

        dumper_base_url: ""


The only thing required is : register url for each available pages. You need to add one or more listeners in your application that provides your urls to PrestaSitemapBundle when called.

For example in your AcmeDemoBundle :

namespace Acme\DemoBundle;

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;

use Presta\SitemapBundle\Event\SitemapPopulateEvent;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url\UrlConcrete;

class AcmeDemoBundle extends Bundle
    public function boot()
        $router = $this->container->get('router');
        $event  = $this->container->get('event_dispatcher');

        //listen presta_sitemap.populate event
            function(SitemapPopulateEvent $event) use ($router){
                //get absolute homepage url
                $url = $router->generate('homepage', array(), true);

                //add homepage url to the urlset named default
                    new UrlConcrete(
                        new \DateTime(), 

Then the sitemap can be generated and optionnaly set in cache; the sitemapindex will be : So the default section will be available at . Note that if one limit is exceeded a new section will be added (eg.

Sitemap Event Listeners

You can also register your sitemap event listeners by creating service classes implementing Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\SitemapListenerInterface and tagging these services with presta.sitemap.listener tag in your Resources/config/services.xml. This way the services will be lazy-loaded by Symfony's event dispatcher, only when the event is dispatched:

    <parameter key="acme_demo.sitemap.listener.class">Acme\DemoBundle\EventListener\SitemapListener</parameter>

    <service id="my.sitemap.listener" class="%acme_demo.sitemap.listener.class%">
        <tag name="presta.sitemap.listener" />
        <argument type="service" id="router"/>

Sitemap listener example Acme/DemoBundle/EventListener/SitemapListener.php

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\EventListener;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;

use Presta\SitemapBundle\Service\SitemapListenerInterface;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Event\SitemapPopulateEvent;
use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url\UrlConcrete;

class SitemapListener implements SitemapListenerInterface
    private $router;

    public function __construct(RouterInterface $router)
        $this->router = $router;

    public function populateSitemap(SitemapPopulateEvent $event)
        $section = $event->getSection();
        if (is_null($section) || $section == 'default') {
            //get absolute homepage url
            $url = $this->router->generate('homepage', array(), true);

            //add homepage url to the urlset named default
                new UrlConcrete(
                    new \DateTime(),

Url Decorator

UrlConcrete is the most basic url, but you may want to add images to your url. You just need to decorate with GoogleImageUrlDecorator:

use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url;
// a basic url that provide a xml element following protocol
$urlBase    = new Url\UrlConcrete('');
// decorate the url with images for google crawler
// this also indicates to urlset to use the "image" namespace
$urlImage   = new Url\GoogleImageUrlDecorator($urlBase);
// add one or more images to the url
$urlImage->addImage(new Url\GoogleImage(''));
// you can add other decorators to the url
$urlLang    = new Url\GoogleMultilangUrlDecorator($urlImage);

// ... don't forget to add the url to a section

PrestaSitemapBundle provides those decorators (but you can use your own) :

  • GoogleImageUrlDecorator
  • GoogleMobileUrlDecorator
  • GoogleMultilangUrlDecorator
  • GoogleVideoUrlDecorator


Cache [optional]

Each sitemaps can be stored in your cache system :

PrestaSitemapBundle uses LiipDoctrineCacheBundle to store Cache. This bundle provides an abstract access to any Doctrine Common Cache classes. You need to install LiipDoctrineCacheBundle and specify what kind of cache system to use with PrestaSitemap.

  • Follow the instruction to install LiipDoctrineCacheBundle.
  • Configure a service for PrestaSitemap, this is an exemple in app/config/config.yml with php-apc :
            type: "apc"

Deeper informations

As you can see the bundle takes care about limit constraints and automatically divide sections for example because this is allowed. But it is not allowed to add more than 1000 images for one url see related documentation. In this case the generator will throw Exceptions.

So you yo have to set the limit yourself or safely try to add elements to your sitemap :

use Presta\SitemapBundle\Sitemap\Url;

$url = new Url\GoogleImageUrlDecorator(new Url\UrlConcrete(''));
try {
    foreach($bigCollectionNotSafe as $loc) {
        $url->addImage(new Url\GoogleImage($loc));
} catch (Presta\SitemapBundle\Exception $e) {
    // Sir, the area is safe, Sir!
$event->getGenerator()->addUrl($url, 'default');

This case is similar for tags in GoogleVideoUrlDecorator.

Dumper command

If you want to dump your sitemaps to files and serve them statically (like assets are served) you can use presta:sitemap:dump console command. This can also be useful if you have really large sitemaps. The command dumps them into files w/o consuming much memory.

To use it you have to set dumper_base_url in your config.yml (see above). The command accepts single argument which is the folder where to dump sitemaps to, it defaults to web, since most of the people keep the sitemaps in the root of their sites. The command always creates sitemap.xml file as sitemaps index. The other files are named according to section names you provide, when adding URLs in your SitemapPopulateEvent event listeners.

> app/console presta:sitemap:dump
Dumping all sections of sitemaps into web directory
Created the following sitemap files

The command first creates all sitemap files in a temporary location. Once all of the files are created it deletes matching (by section names) files from your target directory and copies newly prepared files in place. This happens in almost atomic way. In case anything went wrong during sitemap generation your existing sitemap files will be untouched.

Dumper command can also be used to regenerate just a part of sitemaps (by section name). In order to do that you have to supply --section=name option to the command. It will regenerate only sections with that name and update corresponding part of sitemap index file, leaving other sitemap references intact.

To make use of these feature your Event listeners should check $event->getSection() in the following way:

if (is_null($event->getSection()) || $event->getSection() == 'mysection') {
        new UrlConcrete(
            new \DateTime(),


A symfony 2 bundle that provides tools to build a rich application sitemap. The main goals are : simple, no databases, various namespace (eg. google image), respect constraints etc.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%