Open-source implementation of Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol. Version: 1.0.0
MscSCEP requires iOS 5.0 and above.
User third-party open-source library:
Only Foundation.framework must be linked into the application for proper compilation.
Linker flags must be set:
- -ObjC
- -all_load
ARC The entire codebase of MscSCEP use Automatic Reference Counting. If you are including the MscSCEP sources directly into a project that does not yet use Automatic Reference Counting, you will need to set the -fobjc-arc compiler flag on all of the MscSCEP source files.
Short examples for the implemented SCEP functions
####Download CA certificate (GetCACert operation) To communicate with the SCEP server the client needs the certificate of SCEP server.
NSError* error; //MscSCEP informs you about the errors via NSError
NSString* documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]; //path for the document directory
MscSCEP* scepClient = [[MscSCEP alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; //initialize client library with the URL of scep server
NSArray* caCertificates = [scepClient downloadCACertificate:&error]; //download the certificate(s)
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
MscCertificate* caCertificate = [caCertificates objectAtIndex:0]; //operation was successful, take the first certificate
NSString* caCertificateePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"caCertificate.cer"]; //path for the certificate
[caCertificate saveToPath:caCertificateePath error:&error]; //save certificate to the given path
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
The number of certificates depends on the type of SCEP server. If the client directly communicates with the CA, the array should contain only one certificate. In case where a RA exist, the array can contain multiple certificate. For other SCEP operations you should use the first certificate in the array.
####Certificate Enrollment (PKCSReq operation) To request a certificate the client needs a RSA key and a self-signed certificate.
NSError* error; //MscSCEP informs you about the errors via NSError
NSString* documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]; //path for the document directory
MscSCEP* scepClient = [[MscSCEP alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; //initialize client library with the URL of scep server
MscRSAKey* rsaKey = [[MscRSAKey alloc] initWithKeySize:KeySize_2048 error:&error]; //generate a new RSA key. It can be 2048 or 4096 bit long
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
MscCertificateSubject* subject = [[MscCertificateSubject alloc] init]; //initialize a certificate subject with the given common name and country. You can specify the following attributes: common name (CN), locality name (L), state or province name (ST), organization name (O), organizational unit name (OU), country name (C), street address (STREET), domain component (DC) and user identifier (UID).
subject.commonName = @"MscSCEP tester";
subject.countryName = @"HU";
//initiliaze a certificate signing request with the following parameters
MscCertificateSigningRequest* csr = [[MscCertificateSigningRequest alloc] initWithSubject:subject //subject
rsaKey:savedRSAkey //rsa key
challengePassword:@"testclient" //challenge passowrd
fingerPrintAlgorithm:FingerPrintAlgorithm_SHA256 error:&error]; //fingerprint algorithm. It can be MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
//initialize a self-signed certificate with the following parameters
MscCertificate* certificate = [[MscCertificate alloc] initWithRequest:csr //certificate signing request
rsaKey:rsaKey //rsa key
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
//request (enrol) a certificate with the following parameters
MscSCEPResponse* response = [scepClient enrolWithRSAKey:rsaKey //rsa key
certificateSigningRequest:csr //certificate signing request
certificate:certificate //self-signed certificate
caCertificate:caCertificate //ca certificate which you can take with the downloadCACertificate function
createPKCS12:YES //with YES you can get the certificate and the PKCS12 object as well
pkcs12Password:@"123456" //password for PKCS12
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
if (response.pkiStatus == SCEPPKIStatus_PENDING) { //check response status
[response pollWithError:&error]; //PENDING means, that the request pending for manual approval , try it again later
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
if (response.pkiStatus == SCEPPKIStatus_SUCCESS) { //If SUCCESS, save certificate and pkcs12 to document directory
MscCertificate* cert = [response.certificates objectAtIndex:0]; //enrolled certificate and the full certificate chain
NSString* enrolledCertificatePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"enrolledCertificate.cer"]; //path to certificate
[cert saveToPath:enrolledCertificatePath error:&error]; //save it to the given path
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
MscPKCS12* pkcs12 = response.pkcs12; //pkcs12 object
NSString* pkcs12Path = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"pkcs12.pfx"]; //path to pkcs12
[pkcs12 saveToPath:pkcs12Path error:&error]; //save it to the given path
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
####Certificate Access (GetCert operation) According to the SCEP specification, the client does not have to store its own certificate, it can download it from the server if the serial number and the issuer of certificate is known.
NSError* error; //MscSCEP informs you about the errors via NSError
NSString* documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]; //path for the document directory
NSString* rsaPath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"rsa.key"]; //path for your saved RSA key
MscRSAKey* rsaKey = [[MscRSAKey alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:rsaPath error:&error]; //initialize a rsa key instance with the path of key
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
MscSCEP* scepClient = [[MscSCEP alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; //initialize client library with the URL of scep server
[scepClient downloadCertificateWithRSAKey:rsaKey //your RSAKey
issuer: issuer //issuer of your certificate (MscCertificateSubject instance)
serial: serial //serial number of your certificate
caCertificate:caCertificate //ca certificate which you can take with the downloadCACertificate function
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
####CRL Access (GetCRL operation) To download a certificate revocation list the client needs a RSA key, a certificate (it can be self-signed) and needs to know the serial number and the issuer of the related certificate
NSError* error; //MscSCEP informs you about the errors via NSError
NSString* documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0]; //path for the document directory
NSString* rsaPath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"rsa.key"]; //path for your saved RSA key
MscRSAKey* rsaKey = [[MscRSAKey alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:rsaPath error:&error]; //initialize a rsa key instance with the path
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
NSString* certificatePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"certificate.cer"]; //path for your certificate
MscCertificate* certificate = [[MscCertificate alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:certificatePath error:&error]; //initialize a certificate instance with the path
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
MscSCEP* scepClient = [[MscSCEP alloc] initWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""]]; //initialize client library with the URL of scep server
[scepClient downloadCRLWithRSAKey:rsaKey //your RSAKey
certificate: certificate //your certificate
issuer: issuer //issuer of the related certificate (MscCertificateSubject instance)
serial: serial //serial number of the related certificate
caCertificate:caCertificate //ca certificate which you can take with the downloadCACertificate function
if (nil != error) {
NSLog(@"error occured: %d", error.code); //check NSError
###MscSCEP The main client functions of SCEP were implemented in MscSCEP interface.
- (id)initWithURL:(NSURL*)_url
Returns an initialized MscSCEP object.
#####Parameters: _url: : URL of SCEP server
Return value: An initialized MscSCEP object.
Declared in: MscSCEP.h
- (NSArray*)downloadCACertificate:(NSError**)error
Downloads the certificate of the SCEP server, which is required for the communication between the server and the client. The returned NSArray contains the certificate(s) of SCEP server.
#####Parameters: error: : If an error occurs, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.
Return value: An array of MscCertificate object(s)
Declared in: MscSCEP.h
- (MscSCEPResponse*)enrolWithRSAKey:(MscRSAKey*)rsaKey certificateSigningRequest:(MscCertificateSigningRequest*)certificateSigningRequest certificate:(MscCertificate*)certificate caCertificate:(MscCertificate*)caCertificate createPKCS12:(BOOL)createPKCS12 pkcs12Password:(NSString*)pkcs12Password error:(NSError**)error
Wraps your certificate signing request in PKCS7 format, encrypts it for the SCEP server and signs it with your certificate and RSA key. Sends this SCEP message to the server and decrypts the response. If the enrollment was successful, the returned MscSCEPResponse instance contains your certificate.
#####Parameters: rsaKey: : RSA key (MscRSAKey instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
certificateSigningRequest: : Certificate signing request (MscCertificateSigningRequest instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
certificate: : Certificate (MscCertificate instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
: Certificate of CA (MscCertificate instance) which you can download with downloadCACertificate
method or load from filesystem.
createPKCS12: : BOOL value, if YES the method creates your PKCS12 object from your RSA key and the enrolled certificate, which will be protected by the given password.
pkcs12Password: : This password will protect your PKCS12 object.
error: : If an error occurs, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.
Return value: The response (MscSCEPResponse instance) of the server.
Declared in: MscSCEP.h
-(MscSCEPResponse*)downloadCRLWithRSAKey:(MscRSAKey*)rsaKey certificate:(MscCertificate*)certificate issuer:(MscCertificateSubject*)issuer serial:(NSString*)serial caCertificate:(MscCertificate*)caCertificate error:(NSError**)error
Wraps the given issuer and serial number informations in PKCS7 format, encrypts it for the SCEP server and signs it with your certificate and RSA key. Sends this SCEP message to the server and decrypts the response. If the request was successful, the returned MscSCEPResponse instance contains your certificate revocation list.
#####Parameters: rsaKey: : RSA key (MscRSAKey instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
certificate: : Certificate (MscCertificate instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
: Issuer (MscCertificateSubject instance) of the related certificate, which you can get from the certificate with getIssuerWithError
: Serial number (NSString instance) of the related certificate, which you can get from the certificate with getSerialWithError
: Certificate of CA (MscCertificate instance) which you can download with downloadCACertificate
method or load from filesystem.
error: : If an error occurs, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.
Return value: The response (MscSCEPResponse instance) of the server.
Declared in: MscSCEP.h
-(MscSCEPResponse*)downloadCertificateWithRSAKey:(MscRSAKey*)rsaKey issuer:(MscCertificateSubject*)issuer serial:(NSString*)serial caCertificate:(MscCertificate*)caCertificate error:(NSError**)error
Wraps the given issuer and serial number informations in PKCS7 format, encrypts it for the SCEP server and signs it with a self-signed certificate and your RSA key. Sends this SCEP message to the server and decrypts the response. If the request was successful, the returned MscSCEPResponse instance contains your certificate.
#####Parameters: rsaKey: : RSA key (MscRSAKey instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
certificate: : Certificate (MscCertificate instance) which you can generate or load from filesystem.
: Issuer (MscCertificateSubject instance) of your certificate, which you can get from the certificate with getIssuerWithError
: Serial number (NSString instance) of your certificate, which you can get from the certificate with getSerialWithError
: Certificate of CA (MscCertificate instance) which you can download with downloadCACertificate
method or load from filesystem.
error: : If an error occurs, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.
Return value: The response (MscSCEPResponse instance) of the server.
Declared in: MscSCEP.h
###MscResponse Most of MscSCEP methods return with MscResponse instance which contains status informations and returned objects (e.g. certificate, certificate revocation list, pkcs12 object, etc.)
- (SCEPMessage)messageType
Returns with the type of SCEP message, which can be CertRep, PKCSReq, GetCert, etc.
Return value: Type of SCEP message.
Declared in: MscResponse.h
- (SCEPPKIStatus)pkiStatus
Returns with the status of enrollment, which can be SUCCESS, FAILURE and PENDING.
Return value: Status of enrollement.
Declared in: MscResponse.h
- (SCEPFailInfo)failInfo
Returns with the reason of failure if an error occured during the communication.
Return value: Reason of failure.
Declared in: MscResponse.h
- (NSArray*)certificates
Returns with your enrolled certificates.
Return value: An array of certificates (MscCertificate object).
Declared in: MscResponse.h
- (NSArray*)certificateRevocationLists
Returns with certificate revocation list.
Return value: An array of certificate revocation list (MscCertificateRevocationList object).
Declared in: MscResponse.h
- (MscPKCS12*)pkcs12
Returns with enroller PKCS12 object.
Return value: Enrolled PKCS12 object which is protected by the given password (MscPKCS12 object).
Declared in: MscResponse.h
- (void)pollWithError:(NSError**)error
In case pkiStatus
is PENDING, you are able to poll the server and check the enrollment process result.
#####Parameters: error: : If an error occurs, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem. If you are not interested in possible errors, pass in NULL.
Declared in: MscResponse.h
: Content-Type of downloadCACertificate
: Content-Type of enrol
, downloadCRL
and downloadCertificate
Declared in: MscResponse.h
#####SCEP Message Type These values represent the type of SCEP messages. According to the SCEP specification, the following message types were defined:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SCEPMessage) {
SCEPMessage_None = 0, //undefined
SCEPMessage_CertRep = 3, //Response to certificate or CRL request
SCEPMessage_PKCSReq = 19, //PKCS#10 certificate request
SCEPMessage_GetCertInitial = 20, //Certificate polling in manual enrollment
SCEPMessage_GetCert = 21, //Retrieve a certificate
SCEPMessage_GetCRL = 22 //Retrieve a CRL
#####SCEP pki status These values represent the transaction status information. According to the SCEP specification, the following pki statuses were defined:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SCEPPKIStatus) {
SCEPPKIStatus_SUCCESS = 0, //request granted
SCEPPKIStatus_FAILURE = 2, //request rejected
SCEPPKIStatus_PENDING = 3 //request pending for manual approval
#####SCEP failInfo These values represent the reason of failure. According to the SCEP specification, the following failInfos were defined:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, SCEPFailInfo) {
SCEPFailInfo_BadAlg = 0, //Unrecognized or unsupported algorithm identifier
SCEPFailInfo_BadMessageCheck = 1, //integrity check failed
SCEPFailInfo_BadRequest = 2, //transaction not permitted or supported
SCEPFailInfo_BadTime = 3, //The signingTime attribute from the PKCS#7 authenticatedAttributes was not //sufficiently close to the system time
SCEPFailInfo_BadCertId = 4, //No certificate could be identified matching the provided criteria
SCEPFailInfo_NoError = 1000 //undefined
For testing purposes you can use our TEST SCEP environment.
SCEP Server URL:
Challenge passwords by key usage:
- authentication: githubclient-aut
- encryption: githubclient-ke
- signature: githubclient-ds
MscSCEP is available under GPLv2 license. In case where the contraints of the GPLv2 license is prevent you from using MscSCEP library or you would like to avoid the restrictions of the GPLv2 license, you can purchase a commercial license. For more information, please contact us: