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MP: C++20 ~~Template~~ Meta-Programming

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MP - Template Meta-Programming

| Motivation | Quick Start | Overview | Tutorial | Examples | User Guide | Benchmarks | FAQ |

C++ single header/single module C++20 Meta-Programming Library


Make Template Meta-Programming easier by leveraging run-time approach at compile-time. If one knows how to use stl.algorithms/ranges one can consider themself a TMP expert now as well!

#include <ranges>

template <auto Begin, auto End, auto List>
auto slice = List
 | std::ranges::views::drop(Begin) // use std.ranges
 | std::ranges::views::take(End);  // any library which can operate on containers is supported!

static_assert(slice<1_c, 2_c, list<int, double, float>>
                           == list<double, float>);

#include <algorithm>

auto sort_by_size = [](boost::mp::concepts::meta auto types) {
  std::sort(std::begin(types), std::end(types),
    [](auto lhs, auto rhs) { return lhs.size < rhs.size; });
  return types;

 * Verify/debug at run-time
int main () {
  "sort by size"_test = [] {
    // given
    const auto m1 = meta{.index = 0, .size = 2};
    const auto m2 = meta{.index = 1, .size = 1};
    const auto m3 = meta{.index = 2, .size = 3};

    // when
    const auto sorted = sort_by_size({m1, m2, m3});

    // then
    expect({m2, m1, m3} == sorted);
struct not_packed {
  char c{};
  int i{};
  std::byte b{};

 * Check at compile-time
static_assert(sizeof(not_packed) == 12u);
static_assert(sizeof(to_tuple(not_packed{}) | sort_by_size) == 8u);

Quick Start

Try it out -


docker build . -t dev # or docker pull krisjusiak/dev
docker run -it -v "$(pwd)":/mp --privileged dev:latest
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . -j
ctest --output-on-failure


  • Single C++20 header/module
  • Minimal learning curve (reuses STL, ranges or any third-party algorithms for stl.container)
  • Easy debugging (meta-functions can be simply run at run-time!)
  • Same interface for types/values/tuples
  • Declarative by design (composable using pipe operator, support for ranges)
  • Fast compilation times (see benchmarks)

Requirements (Dockerfile)

  • C++20 compliant compiler (STL with support for constexpr std::vector)
    • clang++16+ [libc++-16+] (✔️)
    • g++12+ [libstdc++-12+] (✔️)


Firstly include or import

#include <boost/mp.hpp>



Okay, let's write a hello world, shall we?

First step is to add our new meta-function.

auto identity = [](boost::mp::concepts::meta types) {
  return types;

meta is a meta objects range (like vector<meta>) which we can do operations on. For example, sorting, changing the size, removing elements, etc...

Let's apply our first meta-function.

auto magic = boost::mp::list<int, double, float>() | identity;
static_assert(magic == boost::mp::list<int, double, float>());

Yay, we have the first meta-function done. Notice the pipe (|) operator. By using it multiple meta-functions can be combined together.

For the next example including/importing ranges will be required

#include <ranges>

Let's implement simple slice for types as an example

template<auto list, auto Start, auto End>
auto slice = list
   | std::ranges::views::drop(Start)
   | std::ranges::views::take(End);

Notice that we've just used std::ranges at compile-time to manipulate a type-list!

using boost::mp::operator""_c;
static_assert(slice<boost::mp::list<int, double, float>(), 1_c, 2_c>
           == boost::mp::list<double, float>());

""_c is an User Defined Literal which represents constant integral value which is required for simulating passing constexpr parameters which aren't supported in C++.

Let's add STL too, why not

#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm>

This time we will sort and reverse a tuple

Note: All operations are supported for the following entities

  • boost::mp::type_list
  • boost::mp::value_list
  • boost::mp::fixed_string
  • std::tuple

Additionally type_list/value_list/fixed_string will be deduced automatically based on parameters when boost::mp::list<...>() is used.

Okay, coming back to our sort...

template <auto Fn>
auto sort = [](boost::mp::concepts::meta auto types) {
  std::sort(std::begin(types), std::end(types), Fn);
  return types;

> Note With ranges that could be `actions::sort(types, Fn)`

auto by_size = [](auto lhs, auto rhs) { return lhs.size < rhs.size; };

So far, nothing magical, same code as in run-time!

Let's apply it then

using boost::mp::operator|;
auto pack = [](auto t) {
  return boost::mp::to_tuple(t) | sort<by_size>;

Note: We used to_tuple which converts a struct into a tuple using reflection. There is also to_list available which produces type_list.

As usual, we use pipe (|) to compose functionality.

struct not_packed {
  char c{};       // 1b
  int i{};        // 4b
  std::byte b{};  // 1b
static_assert(sizeof(not_packed) == 12u);
static_assert(sizeof(pack(not_packed{})) == 8u);

Okay, so far so good, but what about adding or removing from type_list?

Removing is simple as we can just erase elements from the meta types as before.

For adding we need to use type/value space land to accomplish that, though.

template <class... TRhs>
auto append = []<class... TLhs> {
  return boost::mp::list<TLhs..., TRhs...>();

Note: we propagate <class... Ts> instead of meta types. Both options are valid. Also passing both <class... Ts>(boost::mp::concepts::meta auto types) is also correct and useful for cases when meta-types require manipulation based on types.

Note: With C++ and Universal Template Parameters we will be able to unify it

template <template auto... TRhs>
auto append = []<template auto... TLhs> {
  return boost::mp::list<TLhs..., TRhs...>;

But, let's back to reality for now and apply our meta-function

template <auto List>
auto add = list | append<void>; // adds void type
static_assert(add<boost::mp::list<int, double>()> ==
              boost::mp::list<int, double, void>());

Okay, so what about the case when we need meta-types and Ts...?

template <auto F>
auto filter = []<class... Ts>(boost::mp::concepts::meta auto types) {
                  std::begin(types), std::end(types),
                  [](auto type) { return std::array{not F(Ts{})...}[type]; }),
  return types;

Notice that we created an array with functor values for each type, so that they can be applied at meta-types manipulation level using STL.

struct bar {};
struct foo {
  int value;
template <auto List>
auto find_if_has_value =
| filter<[](auto t) { return requires { t.value; }; }>;

Notice handy requires with lambda pattern to verify ad-hoc concepts.

static_assert(boost::mp::list<foo>() ==
              find_if_has_value<boost::mp::list<foo, bar>()>);

That's it for now, for more let's take a look at more Examples in the following section and the User-Guide.



 * Library version for example 1'0'0
 * Forces using includes even if modules are supported
 * A meta type representation to be manipulated
 * vector<meta> is passed to pipe lambdas
struct meta {
  std::size_t pos{};
  std::size_t size{};
 * Returns unique integral (std::size_t) representation of type
 * Should only be used for comparison
 * static_assert(type_id<void> ! = type_id<int>);
template <class T> constexpr auto type_id;
 * Returns type/value name as string_view
 * static_assert(type_name<void>() == "void");
 * static_assert(type_name<42>() == "42");
template <template auto T> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name()
 * A meta concept which verifies meta range
 * static_assert(concepts::meta<vector<meta>>);
concept concepts::meta =
  requires(T t) {
 * List of types
template<class... Ts> struct type_list;
 * List of values
template<class... Ts> struct value_list;
 * Compile-time string representation to be used
 * as <"Hello World">
template<std::size_t> struct fixed_string;
 * Deduces correct list based on types
 *  type_list for Ts...
 *  value_list for auto...
 *  fixed_string for if {; t.size; }
template<template auto...> [[nodiscard]] constexpr list();
 * Converts type into a type_list by reflecting fields
 * 0-10 number of reflected fields is supported
 * @tparam T type to be reflected
template <class T> constexpr auto to_list;
 * Converts type into a std::tuple by reflecting fields
 * 0-10 number of reflected fields is supported
 * @param obj object to be reflected
constexpr auto to_tuple = []<class T>(T&& obj);
 * Composability pipe operator for types
 * @param fn functor to be applied
   - [](concepts::meta auto types)
   - []<class... Ts>
   - []<class... Ts>(concepts::meta auto types)
template <template <class...> class T, class... Ts>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator|(T<Ts...>, auto fn) {
 * Composability pipe operator for values
 * @param fn functor to be applied
   - [](concepts::meta auto types)
   - []<auto... Ts>
   - []<auto... Ts>(concepts::meta auto types)
template <template <auto...> class T, auto... Vs>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator|(T<Vs...>, auto fn) {
 * Composability pipe operator for std::tuple
 * @param fn functor to be applied
   - [](concepts::meta auto types)
   - [](auto&&... args)
   - [](concepts::meta auto types, auto&&... args)
template <template <class...> class T, class... Ts>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator|(std::tuple<Ts...>, auto fn) {
 * Compile time integral value representation (required to mimic constexpr parameters)
 * static_assert(42 == _c(1+41));
 * static_assert(42 == 42_c);
template <auto N> constexpr auto _c;
template <char... Cs> [[nodiscard]] consteval auto operator""_c();


To build/run benchmarks

cd benchmark
mkdir build && cd build
CXX=clang++-16 cmake .. # CXX=g++-16
make sort_unique_reverse transform_filter conditional_drop_sum first_or_last_size



Disclaimer MP is not an official Boost library.


MP: C++20 ~~Template~~ Meta-Programming

License:Boost Software License 1.0


Language:HTML 97.5%Language:C++ 2.1%Language:CMake 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%