tonny2v / osm-export-tool

Export customised OSM data in various file formats

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OSM Export Tool

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The Export Tool creates OpenStreetMap exports for GIS programs and mobile devices. It outputs files in various tabular formats based on an input area of interest polygon and a selection of OpenStreetMap tags. It is synchronized minutely with the main OSM database, so exports can be created to accompany real-time humanitarian mapping efforts.

The latest version of the Export Tool is available at . All users are recommended to use this version.

The previous (version 2) iteration of the Export Tool is available at . This version is slower and less featureful than the newest version.

Project Structure

This is a guide to the source code - useful if you'd like to contribute to the Export Tool, deploy the project on your own server, or re-use parts of the project.

utils/ contains Python classes responsible for downloading and transforming OSM data into each file format based on a GEOS geometry and a FeatureSelection object. Many of these are wrappers for GDAL/OGR commands. This module can be used independently of the web application for creating exports from the command line.

feature_selection/ contains a parser for YAML feature selections that define how OSM data is mapped to tabular formats. More documentation on the YAML format is available at .

api/ is a Django web application that manages creating, viewing and searching exports, storing feature selections, scheduling jobs, and user accounts via OAuth.

ui/ is a React + ES6 frontend that communicates with the Django API. It handles localization of the user interface, the OpenLayers-based map UI, and the Tag Tree feature selection wizard. (For historical reasons, it also includes some Django views to facilitate logging in with OSM credentials.)

Development Prerequisites

The Export Tool has several dependencies. As an alternative, use Docker to manage the project's environment, in which case you will need a Docker runtime.

  • Python 2.7, virtualenv, pip
  • PostgreSQL 9+ and PostGIS
  • RabbitMQ, a message queue
  • Node.js and Yarn

Overpass API

The Export Tool queries an instance of the Overpass API for source data. Overpass:

  • can efficiently perform spatial queries over large quantities of OSM data, including members of ways and relations.
  • has built in facilities to ingest minutely diffs from
  • can create lossless PBF-format exports, which are necessary for some file formats such as OSMand and Garmin .IMG mobile device maps.

Instructions on installing Overpass are available at . Alternatively, Overpass can be run via Docker - see ops/docker-overpass-api.

  • The export tool is configured with an Overpass URL via the environment variable OVERPASS_API_URL. This can be a public Overpass instance, a remote instance you manage yourself, or a local instance on your own computer. Public instances may have strict rate limits, so please use them lightly.
  • To set up a local Overpass instance, start with a .pbf file. This can be the full planet .pbf from or a region, e.g. pbfs available from .
  • Optionally, configure Overpass to update itself minutely.

Development Step-By-Step Guide

Clone the HOT Export Tool project from GitHub

git clone
cd osm-export-tool2

Install Python dependencies

virtualenv venv  # creates a new environment in myvirtualenv/
source venv/bin/activate  # activate the virtualenv
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Database, database schema, and message queue

  • PostgreSQL should be running and listening on the default port, 5432, with the shell user having administrative permissions.
  • RabbitMQ should be running and listening on the default port, 5672.

Create and populate a PostgreSQL database named exports:

createdb exports
python migrate

Compile the front-end application

cd ui/
yarn install
yarn start  # will watch for changes and re-compile as necessary

Set required environment variables and start the server

DJANGO_ENV=development DEBUG=True python runserver

# in a different shell
DJANGO_ENV=development DEBUG=True celery -A core worker

direnv is a useful tool for managing environment variables using a .env file.

​ You should now be able to navigate to http://localhost:8000 and log in via OSM. With DJANGO_ENV set to development, emails will not be sent, but the email body will appear in your console from runserver. Navigate to this link to verify your account. Creating an export will use the public Overpass API. Successful job creations will write the exports to the filesystem to the export_downloads directory, a sibling of the osm-export-tool2 checkout - since the NGINX file server is not running in development, download links won't be valid.

Other dependencies

See core/settings/ for environment variables to configure other optional runtime dependencies.

Garmin .IMG

Creating .IMG files requires the mkgmap and splitter tools.


For details and download links to the OSMAnd Map Creator utilities, see

List of environment variables

Most of these environment variables have reasonable default settings.

  • EXPORT_STAGING_ROOT path to a directory for staging export jobs
  • EXPORT_DOWNLOAD_ROOT'path to a directory for storing export downloads
  • EXPORT_MEDIA_ROOT map this url in your webserver to EXPORT_DOWNLOAD_ROOT to serve the exported files
  • OSMAND_MAP_CREATOR_DIR path to directory where OsmAndMapCreator is installed
  • GARMIN_CONFIG, GARMIN_MKGMAP absolute paths to garmin JARs
  • OVERPASS_API_URL url of Overpass api endpoint
  • BROKER_URL Celery broker URL. Defaults to amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
  • DATABASE_URL Database URL. Defaults to postgres:///exports
  • DEBUG Whether to enable debug mode. Defaults to False (production).
  • DJANGO_ENV Django environment. Set to development to enable development tools and email logging to console.
  • EMAIL_HOST SMTP host. Optional.
  • EMAIL_HOST_USER SMTP username. Optional.
  • EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD SMTP password. Optional.
  • EMAIL_PORT SMTP port. Optional.
  • EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use TLS when sending mail. Optional.
  • HOSTNAME Publicly-addressable hostname. Defaults to
  • USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST - Whether Django is running behind a proxy. Defaults to False

Development with Docker

A docker-compose.yml has been provided to facilitate development. To begin, run:

echo "HOSTNAME=localhost" > .env
docker-compose up

This will download and build a set of containers with appropriate versions of various dependencies. . will be mounted into /opt/osm-export-tool2 within the Docker containers, allowing Django and React components to be edited within the host environment.

When initializing the project, you may need to run this twice in order for the database to be initialized.

In a second terminal window, run:

cd ui/
yarn install
yarn start  # will watch for changes and re-compile as necessary

Yarn will watch changes to the React app and rebuild as necessary, writing into appropriate locations within the Docker containers. Live reloading is enabled, so changes should be reflected automatically shortly after they are made.

To use the Docker-managed development instance, navigate to http://localhost/. If you're using docker-machine to manage Docker daemons, the hostname may vary, in which case you'll need to change HOSTNAME (in .env) to reflect it.

Update Docker images

After you have changed base_image/Dockerfile you need to run make baseimage in order to update the baseimage.

After changing any Dockerfiles or the baseimage you need to run docker-compose build to rebuild the docker images used by docker-compose up.

Using the Transifex service

(This section is TBD, as we're currently figuring out workflows for FormatJS JSON strings used by react-intl.)

To work with Transifex, you need to create ~/.transifexrc, and modify its access privileges:

chmod 600 ~/.transifexrc

Example .transifexrc file:

hostname =
password = my_super_password
token =
username = my_transifex_username

Managing source files

To update source language (English) for Django templates run:

python makemessages -l en

To update source language for JavaScript files run:

python makemessages -d djangojs -l en

then, push the new source files to the Transifex service, it will overwrite the current source files

tx push -s

Pulling latest changes from Transifex

When adding a new language, it's resource file does not exist in the project, but it's ok as it will be automatically created when pulling new translations from the service. To add a local mapping:

tx set -r osm-export-tool2.master -l hr locales/hr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po

or for JavaScript files:

tx set -r osm-export-tool2.djangojs -l hr locales/hr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po

Once there are some translation updates, pull the latest changes for mapped resources.

For a specific language(s):

tx pull -l fr,hr

For all languages:

tx pull

Finally, compile language files:

python compilemessages

UI Translations

To fetch updated translations for the JavaScript front-end, run:

cd ui/
yarn run tx:pull

To push updated strings to Transifex, run:

cd ui/

# build the app (to extract new strings)
yarn run pack

yarn run tx:push

If / when UI translations pass the 5% complete threshold (defined in ui/.tx/config as minimum_perc), new JSON files will appear in ui/app/i18n/locales. To enable these translations for use, add react-intl locale data to ui/app/app.js (for date / number formatting) and add options to ui/app/components/LocaleSelector.js.


Export customised OSM data in various file formats

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 42.8%Language:Python 40.7%Language:CSS 13.2%Language:HTML 2.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Makefile 0.1%