Mobile app to help people to improve their English vocabulary through small games that is generated from words saved by user.
This project was implemented with the following technologies:
- Antonio Mamani -
Before to run the project, ensure that you have installed the following programs in your local machine.
- android sdk
- nodejs
- cordova
- sudo npm install -g cordova
- ionic
- sudo npm install -g ionic
You needs to do the following instructions to run the mobile app in your android phone or iPhone.
Execute the following commands in your terminal o console.
- ionic platform add android
- ionic state reset
- ionic build android
- ionic run android
Execute the following commands in your terminal o console.
- ionic platform add ios
- ionic state reset
After executed these commands, you needs to open the following file platfoms/ios/yummyword.xcodeproj in your xcode, then run the project through xcode.
With the following command you can execute the project without installing in android or iphone device.
- ionic serve --lab