tonklon / appledoc

Objective-c code Apple style documentation generation. Based on Matt Ball's doxyclean.

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appledoc purpose

The main purpose of appledoc utility is to generate Apple like source code documentation. It uses doxygen for parsing the source files and creating intermediate XML files. These are then eventually converted to different outputs and optionally fully indexed and browsable documentation set. The utility can also install the documentation set into the Xcode documentation window. The whole process is wrapped into a single (and simple) command line.

The idea for such a utility came from a lack of good document generator for Objective C that generated nice looking documentation. After testing many different solutions, I came accross Matt Ball's doxyclean utility. This is a Phyton script that produces apple like documentation through the use of doxygen for the hard part of source parsing. After using it for a while, I started playing with it to come closer to what I finally wanted - the working documentation set. In fact, after some tweaking with the code and a huge (and I really mean huge) Xcode custom build script, I was finally (almost) satisfied. What I was not happy about was the mentioned build script which was not only hard to maintain, but was also the part that had to be repeated in each Xcode project, so any tweaking would require manual copying of script between projects... Also doxygen Objective C support is not 100% which affects member and cross-file links for doxyclean as well (at least at the moment of this writting, Matt is constantly updating the utility, so this may have been fixed!). I did tweak the script a bit to get (some) of the links working, however, I am not that familirar with Phyton and debugging the script was difficult. That, combined with my inexperience with Phyton, lead me to a complete rewrite of the utility in Objective C and this is what you are looking at now...

If you want to give Matt's doxyclean a try, check it out on his github page. Especially if you're interested in using the generator in non OS X environment or in Tiger, you're probably out of luck with appledoc. Matt is also constantly updating his code and has implemented several features which may be decision makers for you such as links to Foundation and AppKit classes etc.

Finally, I want to thank Matt for letting him use his css and his XSLT code, so thanks Matt... :-)


  • Generates apple like XHTML documentation.
  • Generates visual class hierarchy.
  • Generates fully indexed and browsable documentation set.
  • Installs documentation set to Xcode documentation window and research assistant.
  • Optionally merges category documentation into extended class.
  • Preserves (almost) all member links including inter-object ones.
  • Fixes several doxygen Objective C related defficiencies.
  • Automatically generates required source files for doxygen and documentation set.
  • Almost all pure Objective C code which makes it easy to debug and play with.
  • Simple command line usage which greatly simplifies Xcode scripts.


  • Doxygen must be installed; mac ports version is recommended since it will install the utility to a default path which is used by appledoc.
  • The requirement for building the source is Xcode 3.


The recommended way of installing is to use git clone command, which will also greatly simplify updating. To install, type the following into your terminal:

git clone git:// appledoc

This will generate appledoc directory at the current path. Inside you'll find the Xcode project which you can open and build. Now you're ready to use the utility, so you can copy the built executable to some directory that's in your path. This will make it easier to use it later on. However, some external files are also needed before you can actually run the utility over your code. These include css and XSLT files and need to be copied into proper directory. You can find all required files in the project's Templates sub directory and manually copy them to one of the following paths:

  • ~/.appledoc
  • ~/Library/Application Support/appledoc

(Copy only the files, not the Templates directory itself!). However, to automate the process, you can also use "Install" script from the Xcode - just select "Install" as the active target and build it. It will install all required files to the application support directory (you still need to manually copy the executable).

Now you're ready to go! Build the project to generate the appledoc executable. I recommend you copy the executable to some directory on your path such as /usr/local/bin or similar so that it is easily accessible. You can periodically check for updates by typing the following into your terminal:

cd <directory where you installed appledoc>
git pull

If you're using precompiled executable, the installation is similar. Just copy the files to the locations as mentioned above.

Quick start / tutorial

Let's assume your source files are located in ~/MyProject and you want to create HTML documentation in the Help subdirectory. The way to do it is:

appledoc -p "My Great Project" -i ~/MyProject -o ~/MyProject/Help --xhtml

Then open ~/MyProject/Help/cxhtml/Index.html file to see your documentation. As you continue to work on your project, you may delete or rename some of documented source files. If you run the appledoc again, you may still see the old file remaining in the documentation, no matter how many times you run the utility. To remedy that, simply remove Help directory and run the utility again. However, appledoc can automate this for you by using the following command line:

appledoc -p "My Great Project" -i ~/MyProject -o ~/MyProject/Help --xhtml --clean-before-build

This will delete the directory given with the -o option before building, so fresh build will be issued each time. Be careful with this option though - if you keep anything besides the generated documentation there, it will be deleted too, so first make sure that you are fine with deleting the output directory in Finder before using this option (or see other options below)!

You may have noticed that the Help subdirectory contains cxml and xml directories besides the cxhtml. These are intermediate files. If you're only interested in the final product, you may preffer the following command line:

appledoc -p "My Great Project" -i ~/MyProject -o ~/MyProject/Help --xhtml --clean-temp-files

Now only the final product - HTML files in this case - remain. In fact you may want to use this option instead of --clean-before-build if you don't need intermediate files. It will automatically take care of the file renames and deletes as well.

Browsing through the documentation in Safari or other browser is just fine. However, you want to use it within the Xcode itself - when you select your class or methods, you want to see the documentation in Research Assistant and you want to be able to type one of your methods in Xcode documentation window search field and see it in the list and all other things you're used to with Apple documentation. No problem, change the command line to:

appledoc -p "My Great Project" -i ~/MyProject -o ~/MyProject/Help --docset --clean-temp-files

First you'll notice that the HTML files are removed from the output path and there's no documentation set there. However, when you open the Xcode documentation window, you can see Custom documentation option with My Great Project listed within. Click on that and you can browse the documentation and use all of the other documentation features.

Note that all the above command lines assume appledoc is found on the path.

Known issues

  • As of doxygen 1.6.1 some objective-c classes derived information is not extracted (NSManagedObject as an example). In such cases the hieararchy misses all these subclasses. The objects and main index documentation is still extracted properly.

Command line usage

The utility was designed to allow as simple command line usage as possible while still allowing full automation of all processes required to generate fully working documentation set or other output. With that in mind, most of the options are kept to some reasonable default, so they can only be changed if needed.

Note that in general for all options that require a parameter, the parameter needs to be enclosed within quotes if it contains spaces - if you're using the utility from the command line, the spaces are automatically escaped for you, at least for paths, so this may not be necessary, however if you're using it as Xcode build script, you need to take care of that!

Oh, and all boolean swithces can be prefixed with --no- following the switch name to override the default or global value. Example: --no-docset.

That being said, the usage is:

appledoc [options]

To get the list of all available options, use the appledoc command line without any option. The options will also be written if generation fails, including the reason for failure. In such case, it might be necessary to increase verbose level to get more information as to where the problem came from. But we're ahead of ourselves now...

Required options

  • -p <name> or --project <name>: The name of the project.
  • -i <path> or --input <path>: The path of the source files.
  • -o <path> or --output <path>: The path at which to generate output.

Doxygen related options

  • -c <path> or --doxyfile <path>: The name and full path to the doxygen configuration file. Defaults to <input-path>/Doxyfile if not specified which will create the Doxyfile in the source directory if it doesn't yet exist. You may want to add it to the Xcode groups and files (and add it to SCM repository) after first run, so you can tweak it later on - the file will not be overwritten if it already exists! Just make sure to keep xml generation on, because appledoc depends on that! Note that the appledoc project includes the file and I tweaked it to support my style of brief description.
  • -d <path> or --doxygen <path>: Full path to the doxygen command. Defaults to /opt/local/bin/doxygen if not specified which is where mac ports will install the utility. If you have it on other path, you will need to provide it through command line arguments each time documentation is generated or change it once in global parameters (see below).

Clean XML generation options

  • --fix-class-locations: Fix class locations if they seem invalid. This fixes doxygen paths for cases where categories are defined in separate files. Doxygen gets confused and decides that the main class is implemented in one of these. If you experience such behavior, use this option to correct it. However this will only work properly if the name of the file is the same as the name of the class... Experiment to see it it's working for you.
  • --remove-empty-paragraphs: If used all empty paragraphs will be stripped.
  • --merge-categories: Merges categories documentation to the extended classes.
  • --keep-merged-sections: When merging categories, preserve their sections. By default each category is merged into a single section within the class with the name of the category itself. However, with this option, all sections (member groups) are preserved as well. Note though that this may make the documentation very cluttered, so experiment to see what works best for you.

Clean output generation options

Note that by default, only clean XML files will be generated, so you need to specify one or more of the following options to actually produce something more readable...

  • --xhtml: Generate XHTML documentation.
  • --docset: Generate documentation set (this will automatically enable xhtml as well!).
  • --markdown: Generate Markdown documentation.

XHTML output options

  • --xhtml-bordered-issues: Use bordered examples, warnings and bugs to make them stand out of the rest a bit more. This also produces more Apple like documentation.

Documentation set related options

  • --docid <id>: Documentation set unique bundle ID. Defaults to com.custom.<project>.docset.
  • --docfeed <name>: Documentation set feed name. This is what will be visible in the Xcode documentation window. Defaults to Custom documentation.
  • --docplist <path>: Full path to documentation set description plist file. Defaults to <input-path>/DocSet-Info.plist if not specified, which will create the file in the source directory if it doesn't yet exist. Again, you may want to include the file to your Xcode project (and SCM), so you can tweak it if necessary.
  • --docutil <path>: Full path to docsetutils executable. This is needed to index the created documentation set. Defaults to /Developer/usr/bin/docsetutils which is the default install location, however if you use another path, you must manually specify it.

Markdown output options

  • --markdown-line-length <number>: The number of chars to use before forcing a new line. Setting this value below or equal to 0 prevents wrapping take place. Defaults to 80. note that wrapping for non-wrappable phrases (method names for example) can be controller finer with --markdown-line-threshold and --markdown-line-margin. Note that line wrapping values may not seem intuitive from the start on, so play with them a bit to get a feel.
  • --markdown-line-threshold <number>: If a non-wrappable phrase is being added to a line and causes the line to break, this setting prevents break if the line length is below the given threshold of the --markdown-line-length and the phrase length is not too big. This value should be kept reasonably small. Defaults to 7.
  • --markdown-line-margin <number>: If a non-wrappable phrase is being added to a line and the line length passes the --markdown-line-threshold "test" above and the overall length of the line including the phrase is still below the given margin (added to the value of --markdown-line-length), the phrase is kept in the same line. This value should be kept reasonably small. Defaults to 12.
  • --markdown-refstyle-links: Use reference style links. When used, the links to same or inter-object members will be created using reference style links which are generated as footnotes. Numbers will be used for link IDs, starting with 1 and links to the same object or member will be properly handled (i.e. will not be repeated). Using this option will result in much more readable output. If this option is not used, inline links will be generated which is the default. Note that this option only affects object files creation, index and hierarchy always use inline links!

Formatting options

  • --object-reference-template: Inter-object reference (links) generation style. This option allows you to change the way the link names are generated. Defaults to $PREFIX[$OBJECT $MEMBER]. However you may choose to only generate member name or any combination. You can use $PREFIX, $OBJECT and $MEMBER placeholders which will be replaced by the selector prefix (- or +), object name and member name respectively.
  • --member-reference-template: Same-object reference (links) generation style. This option allows you to change the way the link names are generated. Defaults to $PREFIX $MEMBER. You can use $PREFIX and $MEMBER placeholders which will be replaced by the selector prefix (- or +) and member name respectively.
  • --date-time-template: Date and time template format. This is used for generating last updated. Any number of date and time components can be formatted using format specifiers of NSCalendarDate. Defaults to (Last updated: %Y-%m-%d). As you can see this allows you to use any static text, such as your copyright notice, for example: (c) 2008-%Y YourCompany. All rights reserved. (Last updated: %Y-%m-%d) would give you similar footer as Apple documentation does.

Miscellaneous options

  • --clean-temp-files: Remove all temporary build files. Note that this is dynamic and will delete generated files based on what is build. If html is created, all doxygen and clean xml is removed. If doc set is installed, the whole output path is removed. This is useful if you are only interested in installing and using the documentation within the Xcode and want to remove all intermediate files.
  • --clean-before-build: Remove output files before build. This option should only be used if output is generated in a separate directory. It will remove the whole directory structure starting with the <output-path> path! BE CAREFUL!!! Note that this option is automatically disabled if <output-path> and <input-path> directories are the same.
  • -t <path> or --templates <path>: Full path to template files. If not provided, templates are searched in ~/.appledoc or ~/Library/Application Support/appledoc directories in the given order. The templates path is also checked for Globals.plist file that contains default global parameters. Global parameters are overriden by command line arguments. See more about globals later on.
  • -v <level> or --verbose <level>: The verbose level (1-5). Defaults to 0 (only errors). You may want to increase this if utility is failing and you don't know why.

Global parameters

Ok, so it turns out that appledoc command line may become quite cluttered after all if default values are not desired. Additionally, there may be some sets of options that are repeated for every project. Well, that's where global parameters come to assistance. As already mentioned above, there are several default paths possible where the required external files are searched for (see installation section for more details or alternatively, a custom path can be specified via the command line arguments, checked previous section for that).

If file Globals.plist is found on any of the predefined template paths or at the custom templates path from the command line, the file is read and the values from it replace factory defaults as stated in previous section. In practice this means, that all commonly used sets of variables can be written once in the global parameters file and only use the parameters that are specific for a certain project. If you're "lucky" enough, only the required parameters will be necessary.

All global parameters may be overriden by command line parameters. The priority of the parameters is (from less to more):

  • Factory defaults.
  • Global parameters.
  • Command line parameters.

Global parameters list

There is no direct support of creating the global parameters through the appledoc command line, but you can use the Property List Editor. Just create a root dictionary with the desired keys and values as specified below. The list of global parameters and their command line counterparts is:

  • DoxygenCommandLine (String): --doxygen

  • DoxygenConfigFile (String): --doxyfile

  • CreateXHTML (Boolean): --xhtml

  • CreateDocSet (Boolean): --docset

  • CreateMarkdown (Boolean): --markdown

  • XHTMLUseBorderedExamples (Boolean): --xhtml-bordered-issues can be used to set XHTMLUseBorderedExamples, XHTMLUseBorderedWarnings and XHTMLUseBorderedBugs in one setting. There is no way to specify each separately over command line. There's also no way to specify all three with a single setting in global parameters.

  • XHTMLUseBorderedWarnings (Boolean): see previous item.

  • XHTMLUseBorderedBugs (Boolean): see previous item.

  • DocSetBundleID (String): --docid

  • DocSetBundleFeed (String): --docfeed

  • DocSetSourcePlist (String): --docplist

  • DocSetUtilCommandLine (String): --docutil

  • DocSetInstallPath (String): The path for installing the documentation set. Not possible to change over command line.

  • MarkdownLineLength (Number): --markdown-line-length

  • MarkdownLineWrapThreshold (Number): --markdown-line-threshold

  • MarkdownLineWrapMargin (Number): --markdown-line-margin

  • MarkdownReferenceStyleLinks (Boolean): --markdown-refstyle-links

  • FixClassLocations (Boolean): --fix-class-locations

  • RemoveEmptyParagraphs (Boolean): --remove-empty-paragraphs

  • MergeCategories (Boolean): --merge-categories

  • KeepMergedSections (Boolean): --keep-merged-sections

  • ObjectReferenceTemplate (String): --object-reference-template

  • MemberReferenceTemplate (String): --member-reference-template

  • DateTimeTemplate (String): --date-time-template

  • CleanTemporaryFilesAfterBuild (Boolean): --clean-temp-files

  • CleanOutputFilesBeforeBuild (Boolean): --clean-before-build

  • VerboseLevel (Number): --verbose

Global parameters placeholders

The following template placeholders can be used within the global parameters:

  • $PROJECT: This will be replaced by the project name from the command line.
  • $INPUT: This will be replaced by the input path from the command line.
  • $OUTPUT: This will be replaced by the output path from the command line.

These can be used to get some dynamic information without being forced to repeat the command line from project to project. For example, you can use it for custom documentation set ID - if the DocSetBundleID is com.yourdomain.$PROJECT.docset, the $PROJECT will automatically be replaced by the passed project name from the --project command line argument.

Additionally, $PREFIX, and $MEMBER can be used as placeholders for MemberReferenceTemplate parameter, while the ObjectReferenceTemplate can also use $OBJECT as described above.

Xcode integration

Automated documentation builds

The following command line is useful as the script within custom Xcode run script phase in cases where the Place Build Products In option is set to Customized location. It will create a directory named Help alongside Debug and Release in the specified custom location. Inside it will create a sub directory named after the project name in which all documentation sub-directories and files will be created:

appledoc -p "$PROJECT_NAME" -i "$SRCROOT" -o "$BUILD_DIR/Help/$PROJECT_NAME" --docset --clean-temp-files

The following command line is useful as the script within custom Xcode run script phase in cases where the Place Build Products In option is set to Project directory. It will create a directory named Help inside the project source directory in which all documentation sub-directories and files will be created:

appledoc -p "$PROJECT_NAME" -i "$SRCROOT" -o "$SRCROOT/Help" --docset --clean-temp-files

Note that doxygen parsing and documentation set indexing may take quite some time, especially on large projects, so you may prefer to create a special shell script build target which you can use to periodically update the documentation. Or you can create several targets for updating xhtml and docset separately depending on your preference.

Automated documentation generation

I'm using the following macros for automating doxygen code documentation for objects. The macros are suited to my documentation style, so feel free to update them to your liking. All macros were copied from the Apple's headerdoc counterparts. I suggest you assign keyboard shortcuts to them since you'll be using them quite often (especially the method one which automatically prepares the parameters and return doxygen commands based on the selected source code).

The macros include template placeholders, so once you invoke them, you can use CTRL+/ or CTRL+SHIFT+/ (if you use default Xcode keyboard mapping) to jump between different placeholders.

Note that I've experienced problems with 0xFFFC characters appearing inside the generated documentation. Although these are not visible, it still took a little while until I found the source - Xcode user script templates placeholders. There's full of these in the HeaderDoc macros which I used to prepare Doxygen ones. To see it in action, use the arrow keys within the Xcode user scripts editor to navigate over the placeholders (try HeaderDoc method template). If you need to press left or right key multiple times in the beggining or end of the placeholder before the caret moves to the next char, that's it...

So either re-type (not copy/paste) the whole scripts again or edit the custom user scripts file found in the ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/XCUserScripts.plist (open it with a text editor, not with Property List Editor), and change encodings to let's say Western ISO latin 1 - don't convert the file, only reinterpret it! Then the strange chars will pop up and you can easily delete them. After you're done, reinterpret the file back to UTF-8, save it and restart Xcode.

For all macros use these options:

  • Input = Selection
  • Directory = Home Directory
  • Output = Replace Selection

Insert class template

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Insert Doxygen template for class
use strict;

my $selection = <<'SELECTION';
chomp $selection;

print "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";
print "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";
print "/** %%%{PBXSelection}%%%<#brief description#>%%%{PBXSelection}%%%\n";
print "\n";
print "<#full description#>\n";
print "*/\n";
print $selection;
exit 0;

Insert group template

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Insert Doxygen template for method group
use strict;

my $selection = <<'SELECTION';
chomp $selection;

print "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";
print "/// \@name ";
if (length($selection)) {
	print $selection;
else {
	print "<#group description#>";
print "\n";
print "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n";

exit 0;

Insert method template

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Inserts a template Doxygen comment for an Objective-C method.
# If the user selects a method declaration and
# chooses this command, the template includes
# the method name and the names of each parameter.
# If the user doesn't select a declaration before issuing
# this command, a default template is inserted.

use strict;

my $selection = <<'SELECTION';
chomp $selection;
my $unmodifiedSelection = $selection; # used to retain linebreaks in output

$selection =~ s/\n/ /sg;     # put on one line, if necessary
$selection =~ s/\s+$//;      # remove any trailing spaces
$selection =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;  # regularize remaining spaces

my $displayMethodName= '';
my $returnsAValue= 0;
my @params = ();

# is it a method declaration that we understand?
if (length($selection) && ($selection =~ /^[+-]/) && ($selection =~ /;$/)) {
	# determine if it returns a value
	$selection =~ m/[+-]\s+(\((.*?)\))?(.*);/;
	my $return = $2;
	my $fullMethodName = $3;
	if ((defined($return)) && ($return ne 'void') && ($return ne 'IBAction')) {$returnsAValue=1;};
	if (defined($fullMethodName)) {
		# get rid of type info for args
		$fullMethodName =~ s/\(.*?\)//g;
		if ($fullMethodName =~ /:/) {
			# get keyword:arg pairs
			my @keyArgPairs = split(/\s+/, $fullMethodName);
			foreach my $pair (@keyArgPairs) {
				if ($pair =~ /:/) { # don't treat parameters with spaces as method names
					my @parts = split(/:/, $pair);
					while (@parts) {
						$displayMethodName .= shift(@parts).":";
						push (@params, shift @parts);
				} else {
					if (length($pair)) { # but do add them to the parameter list
					push (@params, $pair);
		} else {
			$displayMethodName = $fullMethodName;

print "/** %%%{PBXSelection}%%%<#brief description#>%%%{PBXSelection}%%%\n";
print "\n";
print "<#full description#>\n";
print "\n";

foreach my $param (@params) {
	print "\@param $param <#parameter description#>\n" if (defined($param));

print "\@return <#result description#>\n" if ($returnsAValue);
print "\@exception <#exception name and why#>\n";
print "*/\n";
print $unmodifiedSelection;

exit 0;


Copyright (c) 2009 Tomaz Kragelj

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Tomaz Kragelj


Objective-c code Apple style documentation generation. Based on Matt Ball's doxyclean.


Language:Objective-C 99.7%Language:C 0.3%