tonilalala / QuantCreditServer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trading Server & Client

Environment Setup

All the code has been run and tested on MacOS 10.15.7, Python 3.8

  • Go into the downloaded code directory
cd <path_to_downloaded_directory>
  • Setup python environment
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Add the project to PYTHONPATH

Run code

You have to run server and client separately. Server accept threads from clients.

  • Run server
python --host localhost --port 9999 --minutes 5 --tickers AAPL,IBM --filenames AAPL_price.csv,IBM_price.csv

​ --minutes --tickers. --filenames. are required fild indicated in the handout.

​ --filenames must match --tickers field. I recommend you to include filenames for testing due to API requests limitations.

  • Open one another bash and run client
python --host localhost --port 9999

Sample Client Log

(env) bash$ python --host localhost --port 9999

Connecting to server: localhost on port: 9999

What do we want to ask the server?: Hello The server's response was: Message must start with 'client'! Try again!

What do we want to ask the server?: client --price 2022-01-21-16:35

The server's response was: AAPL 162.5 IBM 129.4

What do we want to ask the server?: client --signal 2022-01-21-16:35

The server's response was: AAPL -1.0 IBM -1.0

What do we want to ask the server?: client --del_ticker AAPL

The server's response was: Delete ticker AAPL, Return Code: 0

What do we want to ask the server?: client --del_ticker AAPLL

The server's response was: Delete ticker AAPLL, Return Code: 2

What do we want to ask the server?: client --add_ticker NVDA

The server's response was: Add ticker NVDA, Return Code: 0

What do we want to ask the server?: client --price 2022-01-21-16:35

The server's response was: IBM 129.4 NVDA 232.65

What do we want to ask the server?: client --reset

The server's response was: Reset successfully! Return Code: 0

What do we want to ask the server?: exit




Language:Python 100.0%