tonellotto / pyterrier_colbert

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Advanced PyTerrier bindings for ColBERT, including for dense indexing and retrieval.


Given an existing ColBERT checkpoint, an end-to-end ColBERT dense retrieval index can be created as follows:

from pyterrier_colbert.indexing import ColBERTIndexer
indexer = ColBERTIndexer("/path/to/checkpoint.dnn", "/path/to/index", "index_name")

An end-to-end ColBERT dense retrieval pipeline can be formulated as follows:

from pyterrier_colbert.ranking import ColBERTFactory
pytcolbert = ColBERTFactory("/path/to/checkpoint.dnn", "/path/to/index", "index_name")
dense_e2e = pytcolbert.set_retrieve() >> pytcolbert.index_scorer()

A ColBERT re-ranker of BM25 can be formulated as follows (you will need to have the text saved in your Terrier index):

bm25 = pt.BatchRetrieve(terrier_index, wmodel="BM25", metadata=["docno", "text"])
sparse_colbert = bm25 >> pytcolbert.text_scorer()

Thereafter it is possible to conduct a side-by-side comparison of effectiveness:

    [bm25, sparse_colbert, dense_e2e]
    measures=["map", "ndcg_cut_10"],
    names=["BM25", "BM25 >> ColBERT", "Dense ColBERT"]


  • vaswani.ipy - [Github] [Colab] - demonstrates end-to-end dense retrieval and indexing on the Vaswani corpus (~11k documents)
  • colbert_text_and_explain.ipynb - [Github] [Colab] -- demonstrates using a ColBERT model for scoring text, and for explaining an interaction

Resource Requirements

You will need a GPU to use this. Preferable more than one. You will also need lots of RAM - ColBERT requires you load the entire index into memory.

Name Corpus size Indexing Time Index Size
Vaswani 11k abstracts 2 minutes (1 GPU) 163 MB
MSMARCO Passages 8M passages ~24 hours (1 GPU) 192 GB


ColBERT requires FAISS, namely the faiss-gpu package, to be installed. pip install faiss-gpu does NOT usually work. FAISS recommends using Anaconda to install faiss-gpu. On Colab, you need to resort to pip install. We recommend faiss-gpu version 1.6.3, not 1.7.0.


  • [Khattab20]: Omar Khattab, Matei Zaharia. ColBERT: Efficient and Effective Passage Search via Contextualized Late Interaction over BERT. In Proceedings of SIGIR 2020.
  • [Macdonald20]: Craig Macdonald, Nicola Tonellotto. Declarative Experimentation in Information Retrieval using PyTerrier. Craig Macdonald and Nicola Tonellotto. In Proceedings of ICTIR 2020.


  • Craig Macdonald, University of Glasgow
  • Nicola Tonellotto, University of Pisa
  • Sanjana Karumuri, University of Glasgow



Language:Jupyter Notebook 83.0%Language:Python 17.0%