tomvictor / tomvictor

My Bio

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Hi, I'm Tom Victor 👋

I am a computer programmer, entrepreneur, and technology enthusiast.

My expertise and technology stack include:

  • Programming languages such as Python, C, Go, Rust and JavaScript
  • Backend development and Linux servers
  • Frameworks like Node, Django, FastAPI, Flask, and React
  • Embedded programming and Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS) [Zephyr, Nuttex etc]
  • BLE(nRF52840), LTE (nRF9160) and WiFi (ESP32)
  • Internet of Things (IoT) and Real-time communication
  • DevOps and CI/CD with tools like Docker, Jenkins, AWS/CDK etc
  • Microservices and Serverless stacks
  • Relational and Document databases.

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My Bio