tommymachine / python-modules

Python modules

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python modules

These files are used and required by some of the Python scripts available in the other repositories.

For FontLab scripts, put these files in [...]/FontLab/Studio 5/Macros/System/Modules. For the remaining scripts, put these files in the same folder as the script, or put them in one of the folders listed by sys.path.

kern feature writer module

Example code for WriteFeaturesKernFDK in RoboFont scripting window:

import os
import WriteFeaturesKernFDK

f = CurrentFont()

minKern = 5
writeTrimmed = False
writeSubtables = False

instanceFolder = os.path.dirname(f.path)

WriteFeaturesKernFDK.KernDataClass(f, instanceFolder, minKern, writeTrimmed, writeSubtables)

Example code for a Python file that uses WriteFeaturesKernFDK from the command line:

import sys
import os
from defcon import Font
import WriteFeaturesKernFDK

ufo = sys.argv[-1]
if ufo.endswith(os.sep):
    ufo = ufo[:-1]
f = Font(ufo)

minKern         =  3
writeTrimmed    =  False
writeSubtables  =  True

instanceFolder = os.path.dirname(f.path)

WriteFeaturesKernFDK.KernDataClass(f, instanceFolder, minKern, writeTrimmed, writeSubtables)

The new module is currently in development. It produces the same results as the old WriteFeaturesKernFDK module, but can be used in a more seamless way:

python font.ufo

The main motivation for writing this new module were problems with kerning subtable overflow.

mark feature writer module

Example code for a Python file that uses WriteFeaturesMarkFDK from the command line:

import os
import sys

import WriteFeaturesMarkFDK
from import RFont

fontPath = sys.argv[-1]
font = RFont(fontPath)

genMkmkFeature       =  False
writeClassesFile     =  False
indianScriptsFormat  =  False
trimCasingTags       =  False

WriteFeaturesMarkFDK.MarkDataClass(font, os.path.dirname(font.path), trimCasingTags, genMkmkFeature, writeClassesFile, indianScriptsFormat)


Python modules

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%