tommyli10 / Meal-Planner

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Need a meal plan? Spoon Meal Planner can help you out! Spoon Meal Planner uses the Spoonacular API to help you come up with a weekly meal plan based on your situation, as well as providing you with the nutritional facts for each meal.

Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Spoonacular API.

π–π‘πšπ­ 𝐝𝐒𝐝 𝐈 π₯𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧?

  1. Work with Spoonacular's API documentation
  2. Learn to fetch data and create my-own fetch wrapper
  3. Receive form's value to calculate client's BMI and give recommendation daily intakes
  4. Use modal effectively
  5. Explore drag n' drop function
  6. Fetch data based on calculated daily intakes
  7. Fetch single recipe details
  8. Map through cards to provide fetched values
  9. Create a clear table function and randomize the table function
  10. Create slide show function



Language:CSS 40.0%Language:JavaScript 34.8%Language:HTML 25.3%