Tomás Manzur's repositories


ArguBot is a chatbot based on the doctoral thesis "Construction of Arguments and Socio-Technical Controversies" by Tomás Manzur. It offers interactive access to the thesis's insights on the Plan Provincial de Ordenamiento Territorial of Mendoza.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:7Issues:1Issues:0


This repository contains a Jupyter notebook, which is designed to demonstrate the process of building knowledge graphs using advanced natural language processing and machine learning techniques.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Airbnb-Income-Analysis es un proyecto que utiliza Jupyter Notebook para analizar y reportar los ingresos de propiedades alquiladas en Airbnb. Incluye conversión de moneda, visualizaciones de ingresos y generación de informes HTML, basado en datos CSV de Airbnb.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This repository focus on predicting credit card defaults for American Express customers. The main tools used in this project are likely to be data analysis and machine learning techniques

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


This project demonstrates the integration of an automated agent system using the autogen library to perform specific web scraping tasks.



This project demonstrates a group chat system powered by Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), utilizing the `autogen` library. It showcases how conversational agents, powered by llms, tools, or human inputs, can perform tasks collectively through automated chat.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


BOAResponde: Chatbot para consultas del Boletín Oficial de Argentina. Ofrece respuestas rápidas y precisas sobre normativas y decretos. Actualización diaria, interfaz intuitiva y tecnología IA para procesamiento en lenguaje natural.



Built using JavaScript and integrating Google's Generative AI, ChatBot is a modern chat application that showcases cutting-edge technology in natural language processing and user interaction.



This project is a web application that uses the OpenAI API to create an interactive chatbot that can answer the questions and comments of the users. The chatbot is based on the GPT-3 language model, which is capable of generating coherent and creative responses from a large amount of data.



Testris game developed with pygame



Este repositorio contiene el código para un Bot de Tweets de Noticias, diseñado para scrapear automáticamente, resumir y tuitear artículos de noticias argentinas de diversas fuentes.



This FastAPI-based API serves as the backend for the Crypto Market Prediction App, utilizing the Prophet forecasting model to deliver accurate cryptocurrency price predictions. It provides robust endpoints for fetching historical data and generating predictions, facilitating seamless integration with front-end applications.



This repository hosts the Instagram Artistic Bot, a tool leveraging generative AI for creating and posting cyberpunk-style art on Instagram. It automatically generates images, captions, and hashtags, and publishes them, aiming to simplify content creation for artists and social media enthusiasts. For detailed inform



The project showcases two main approaches: a baseline model using RandomForest for initial sentiment classification and an enhanced analysis leveraging LangChain to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) for more in-depth sentiment analysi

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Este proyecto utiliza Python y BeautifulSoup para realizar web scraping en la página del Boletín Oficial de Argentina. Extrae datos relevantes como fechas de publicación, títulos de normativas, enlaces y textos de las normas, almacenándolos en un DataFrame.



This repository contains the code for a solar energy system simulator designed to model the performance of a residential solar power setup. The simulator takes into account various factors such as solar efficiency, home power consumption, battery charge and discharge cycles, and grid interactions.



Stock Market Prophet Forecasting is a Python-based repository utilizing the Prophet forecasting library to predict stock market trends. This project aims to provide accurate, automated predictions to aid investors in making informed decisions. It features data preprocessing, model training, and visualization tools



Implementation of an automated trading strategy that leverages machine learning and sentiment analysis to make informed trading decisions based on market news. The strategy utilizes the FinBERT model for sentiment analysis and interacts with the Alpaca API for trading actions.



This GitHub repo features a virtual assistant using OpenAI's GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613, designed for Spanish speech-to-speech interaction. It efficiently handles tasks through OpenAI API function calls, offering a seamless, conversational user experience.
