tomjkidd / auth0-automation

A data driven way to manage an auth0 tenant via configuration files

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A data driven way to manage an Auth0 tenant via configuration files


At the time this repo was created, auth0-deploy-cli wasn't as feature rich as it currently is. That repo is maintained by auth0 directly, with more or less the same goal as this project, and since we have been able to adopt and rely on that tool instead, this repo will no longer be undergoing any maintenance.

Beta Warning

This is in development currently, and the readme is being updated with what should happen, not yet all of it is supported. If you want to use this, you will have to read the source and find what is present and missing accordingly.


While working with Auth0's dashboard with a team of any significant size, you will run into the problem that the configuration of different entities may drift in ways that are hard to detect and control.

In order to allow source control to manage Auth0 configuration as a stable, versionable concept, this repo seeks to make it easy to take an edn configuration file and allow you to consume that configuration to set up and update an existing Auth0 environment.


This script is meant to be run by a single user with the assumption that they are the only one modifying the environment. All bets are off if more than one user is accessing the Auth0 environment at once, and the value of adding more functionality to support the detection of and resolution of conflicts is not the goal.

This library utilizes the Maintenance API of Auth0, and doesn't surface anything for the Authentication API. All references to the Auth0 API in this repo should be assumed to mean the Maintenance API.

This library determines actions to perform, and then attempts them. It is able to detect exceptions and errors, but if errors occur during the transact phase there is no rollback strategy. Take a snapshot of the environment in case you have to do any recovery!

Program Summary

This program will first read in a config file called edn-config, get an Auth0 access-token, and sequentially process each edn-config-entry to create a corresponding api-action. This vector of api-actions is an intermediate data-structure that contains the complete information necessary to get from the current Auth0 environment state to the desired one. In interactive mode, you can use this step to verify what will occur in a readable format. Finally, api-actions are consumed to actually perform the changes. The output is captured, and contains the ids of the entities involved, as well as other information, as edn. This allows the user to verify the work via the Auth0 Dashboard, and/or to use the results downstream to programatically ensure other parts of the system are configured correctly.

Concepts and Details

This program relies on a few environment variables in order to work, so you must set them to run correctly

Name Type Description
AUTH0_AUTOMATION_DOMAIN String Usually in the form of <tenant>
AUTH0_AUTOMATION_CLIENT_ID String The non-interactive client-id, with all scopes for entities you wish to change
AUTH0_AUTOMATION_EDN_CONFIG_FILEPATH String The location to look for the edn-config to use, more about that below


An edn-config file contains a vector of edn-config-entry hash-maps, and represents the sequential series of steps that are needed to create an Auth0 environment.

edn-config-entry types

There are two types of edn-config-entry, :entity and :referential-dependency

An :entity edn-config-entry is used to create or update an auth0 entity, setting most of it's parameters in a simple fashion.

A :referential-dependency edn-config-entry is used to associate one Auth0 entity with a homogeneous list of other Auth0 entities. These entries will only work if they follow the entity entries in the edn-config so that the entities exist, so it is best to put all of the :entity entries first, followed by all of the :referential-dependency entries.

For these relationships, using an :entity would be possible if you could control the id, but not all Auth0 entities allow an admin to configure the ids. Because of this, a different key, usually a name, is used to reference entities.

:entity edn-config-entry

Each :entity hash-map in edn-config has the following keys and values:

Key Type Description
:type Keyword The value :entity is used to identify the edn-config-entry type
:entity-type Keyword The auth0 entity type. Effort was made to not have to code out all types, so see the source code for more details. One of #{:client :resource-server :connection :user :rule} are common values.
:id-key Keyword Maps to the Auth0 generated id of an entity. This key is used to collect information to report to the user after the program runs to allow the user to verify updated entities. (These ids are typically used in other programs to connect to specific entities.)
:search-key Keyword Represents the edn based identifier used to detect existing entities. It is used by the program to determine if an entity already exists. Because :id-key is not controlled by programmers, this provides a stable way to identify an entity.
:payload edn An edn data structure that will be transformed to a json payload to use as the body for either a POST/PUT to create/update an entity.
NOTE: For most of the Auth0 API, there is a consistent mapping from entity type to url.
While not all types have yet been explicitly supported, the `build-url` multi-method
provides a fairly straight-forward way to add more. This repo is still beta, so take it with
a grain of salt.
NOTE: kebab-case keywords are used for `payload`, and will be converted to snake_case strings

:referential-dependency edn-config-entry

Each :referential-dependency hash-map in edn-config has the following keys and values:

Key Type Description
:type Keyword The value :referential-dependency is used to identify the edn-config-entry type
:entity-type Keyword The auth0 entity type that has a referential-dependency
:dependency-value List of strings A list of search-key values used to find entities. At runtime, entities are found and then :id-key is used to set the proper id values that Auth0 expects
:dependency-entity-type Keyword The Auth0 entity type for each element in dependency-value
:dependency-key Keyword The field id for the entity whose value is a list of ids to another entity type
:id-key Keyword Maps to the Auth0 generated id of an entity. This key is used to access each dependency in order to properly set values
:search-key Keyword Represents the key to use to uniquely identify an entity
:search-value String Represents the value to use to uniquely identify an entity
NOTE: `:referential-dependency` nodes need to occur sequentially AFTER the entities they refer to. This was
intentionally done to make it easier to talk about the relationships you want to establish, without having to
create logic to analyze these desires implicitly.


Each edn-config-entry is processed and turned into an api-action.

:entity entries will generate calls to the Auth0 API to determine if entities exists, or if it needs to create them. This information is passed through to the api-action. The api-actions created from these entries contain all of the information needed to create or update an entity. In the case of create this will determine the whole payload to use, while an update will only patch the diff necessary to establish the target configuration. In the case where there are no differences, noop api-actions are created.

:referential-dependency entries don't make any calls, and are assumed to refer to entities that either will be created, or already exist. The static data is passed through to the api-action in order to do lookups and perform API requests at runtime.

These api-actions are then sequentially consumed to transact information to Auth0.


Run the project directly:

$ boot run

Run the repl to play around

$ boot repl
(require 'auth0-automation.repl)
(in-ns 'auth0-automation.repl)
(require '[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]])
(def ec (get-entity-cache)) ;; Will make calls for known entity types and allow you to inspect them
(pprint (keys ec)) ;; See which entities are available, keyed by type, ie :client and :resource-server
(->> ec :client first pprint) ;; pprint the first client returned from the tenant
(require '[auth0-automation.core :as core])
(require '[auth0-automation.auth0 :as auth0])
(require '[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]])

(def token (auth0/get-token core/env-config))
(def domain (get-in core/env-config [:auth0 :domain]))
(def snapshot (auth0/snapshot {:domain domain :token token :types [:client :resource-server :connection :rule]}))
(spit "auth0-snapshot.edn" (with-out-str (pprint snapshot)))

Run the project's tests:

$ boot test

Build an uberjar from the project:

$ boot build

Run the uberjar:

$ java -jar target/auth0-automation-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar [args]


TODO: listing of options this app accepts.


Copyright © 2018 Tom Kidd

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


A data driven way to manage an auth0 tenant via configuration files

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%