tomguim / Lelantos-Smart-Contract

A Blockchain-based Anonymous Physical Delivery System

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Lelantos Smart Contract

A Blockchain-based Anonymous Physical Delivery System

Test Case

Deployment Lelantos smart contract Using Remix-Solidity IDE

  • Remix-Solidity IDE is a browser-based Solidity compiler and IDE. It also creates private blockchian for testing purpose.

  • Upload Lelantos smart contract to Remix-Solidity IDE

  • From the right side of Remix-Solidity IDE, select "Contract". You will find textbox to enter max_hop_fee

    Assuming that max_hop_fee is 1 ETH (= 1000000000000000000 Wei)

    Deployment Input: "1000000000000000000"

    After Deployment step (Pressing Create), we can get the address of Lelantos Smart Contract Lsc on the blockchain


A customer C wants to purchase a product (product ID 123456789) from a merchant M. The price of the product is 2 ETH. The customer wants to receive the product through 3 delivery companies.

Customer Appc Calculation

  • Choose 3 random tracking number tni and calculate thier corresponding SHA3()
i tni trackingComm = SHA3(tni)
1 4174566344 0x380687b0191d9315c524d1e1df1162bc752a05d19bb9c2ed1fe4ec2f464cd396
2 2921603003 0x4280d5baa22abc41a7d89e8460b69abcdda662e4a4984b5d9ff8063602e4a80a
3 159340662 0x089fd6732cb8459da7f217c37545e8d60294e778cb5c7b7d347add0455667750
  • Choose 3 delivary companies, get their long term public key pki and caluclate ci based on the equation
    ci = Encpki(tni , Lsc , addnextdc ⊕ maski) where
    • addnextdc: the address of delivary company i+1 on route
    • maski: random masking value
i maski ci
1 0x2897da2f52e3e517169e9485c67d5420c05096a3ef3616d21248c1418bd4f0152bf5639f43cf9e7fa7a49c0b1f6b0bd2431f863b3b3b0863bc3daf4cf2574337 0x91efe942812585d3d921015f2c8bfb7f2e0287ebe8a74d7a86d65b92b2e122b3a7af8a907b5593d32aaa720c0d47c7e0249e7c02bf22c248be3ddd66d16892aa91efe942812585d3d921015f2c8bfb7f2e0287ebe8a74d7a86d65b92b2e122b3
2 0x42d8d6b282371ea4bc081585733c794d3d365800627e831a5c6077a91afbfef1b074a570fa9b71c335b1442d371abde026dea6fbf7c9be064516b786e18e642b 0xe786c64ee96c4568235a615a1a0dd6f0a7eaa790e8030cc091a57b0271a47830a26b68404722430639a98bd51a9a72cd2727fa6900bcfe7f3cde6e477c8e8505e786c64ee96c4568235a615a1a0dd6f0a7eaa790e8030cc091a57b0271a47830
3 0xf8364a7f0e0b468f43c068e8c65a0bd82a080ec1d2e947e7a6d15fd32bbbc9f5abbb187fd7a0510079447e14cfde1c4c5dba2cc7ce9313c7a0bbdc8eda8a3b3d 0xefaa4e7851ce2dfbb04c59bb699e8c7c721156218b05e6f217adf24cb5edc171a04afb73361464192823bcd71aa8512f623cca70670cfe15f1b36d4be22a2622efaa4e7851ce2dfbb04c59bb699e8c7c721156218b05e6f217adf24cb5edc171
  • Choose a secret and calcuate its corresponding commitment = SHA3(secret)

    secret = MySecret12345678

    commitment = 0x81fc8bce1439eeee7515cbd9973c49dfb50bef47e3c0284cc8c5ab5ca867bd5c

  • Calculate mc0 which is the result of encrypting the address of the first delivary company probabilistically by the public key of the merchant pkm


Test Using Remix-Solidity IDE

Remix-Solidity IDE offers 5 diffrent addresses. We will use one for customer, one for merchant, and three for delivary companies (dc1, dc2, dc3)

customer = '0xca35b7d915458ef540ade6068dfe2f44e8fa733c'
merchant = '0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c'
dc1 = '0x4b0897b0513fdc7c541b6d9d7e929c4e5364d2db'
dc2 = '0x583031d1113ad414f02576bd6afabfb302140225'
dc3 = '0xdd870fa1b7c4700f2bd7f44238821c26f7392148'

1. Create

  • From Address: customer
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes32 _commitment, bytes32[] _trackingComm)
    • _commitment: commitment
    • _trackingComm: Array of trackingComm from 1 to 3

2. Order

  • From Address: customer
  • Value(ETH): price + 3 * max_hop_fee = 5
  • Input Format:(address _merchant, uint _pID, uint _price, bytes label0, bytes _nextLabel, uint validityTime)
    • _merchant: Merchant Address
    • _pID: product ID
    • _price: price in Wei
    • label0: mc0
    • _nextLabel: c1
    • validityTime: Validity Time of the order in Second (Ex: 1 Hour = 3600 Seconds)

3. Accept

  • From Address: merchant
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(uint _pID)
    • _pID: product ID

4. Receive 1

  • From Address: dc1
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes trackingNum, uint _fee)
    • trackingNum: tn1 in hexadecimal
    • _fee: Fee of delivary com. 1 (0.2 ETH) in Wei

5. Next 1

  • From Address: customer
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes _mask, bytes _nextLabel)
    • _mask: Mask1
    • _nextLabel: c2

6. Receive 2

  • From Address: dc2
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes trackingNum, uint _fee)
    • trackingNum: tn2 in hexadecimal
    • _fee: Fee of delivary com. 2 (0.3 ETH) in Wei

7. Next 2

  • From Address: customer
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes _mask, bytes _nextLabel)
    • _mask: Mask2
    • _nextLabel: c3

8. Receive 3

  • From Address: dc3
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes trackingNum, uint _fee)
    • trackingNum: tn3 in hexadecimal
    • _fee: Fee of delivary com. 3 (0.4 ETH) in Wei

9. Pickup

  • From Address: dc3
  • Value(ETH): 0
  • Input Format:(bytes secret)
    • secret: secret


A Blockchain-based Anonymous Physical Delivery System