tomginsberg / drone-tree-id

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dense Canopy Tree Crown Instance Segmentation

Framework Structure

  • configs/ - definition of config files, which defines architecture, pretrained model to load, hyperparameters...
  • lib/ - libraries and dependencies
  • deepent/ - our library
    • data - module for data pre-processing and processing for training and evaluation
    • modelling - model architectures
  • output/ - files generated by framework such as models, logs, summaries, checkpoints ...
  • notebooks/ - documentation logbooks
  • setup - setup script
  • tools/ - tools
    • - training and evaluation script
    • - a tool for creating visualizations
    • - posterior logging to wandb
    • - log metrics to wandb
    • - custom predictor to handle RGBD data
  • - a summary of models
  • wandb store wandb logs



If using AWS, we recommend an EC2 g4dn.xlarge instance.

Remember to load the pytorch build:

source activate pytorch_p36


  • Linux or macOS with Python ≥ 3.6


  1. Clone repo:
git clone
  1. run setup script:
cd drone-tree-id
chmod +x setup


To train the model, run the training script with appropriate flags:

  • --data_path: path to data to register
  • --run_name: name logs run for wandb
  • --no_log: only specify if no logging is needed
  • --config-file: the config file to load Any additional arguments are passed as opts to override the config
  • OUTPUT_DIR: the output path directory, for example: output/

For example:

python tools/ --data_path ~/RGBD-Training-Data/ --run_name "fuse35" --config-file configs/deepent_fuse_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml OUTPUT_DIR output/fuse35

To run the process in the background so exiting a shell will not terminate training:

nohup <CMD> &


To evaluation the model, run the training script with appropriate flags:

  • --eval-only
  • --config-file: the config file to load
  • MODEL.WEIGHTS: the weight file to load For example:
python tools/ --config-file /home/ubuntu/drone-tree-id/configs/deepent_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml --eval-only MODEL.WEIGHTS /home/ubuntu/drone-tree-id/output/model_0034999.pth


To create visualizations of a model inference use the tools/ cli tool. For more information about the arguments run:

python tools/ --help

An example of visualization 5 2x12 infrence plots on the 'CPT2b_test' dataset would be

python tools/ --threshold 0.5 --config-file configs/deepent_fuse_rcnn_R_50_FPN.yaml --samples 5 --output output/fuse_lateral/vis --type comparison --dataset CPT2b_test --model output/fuse_lateral/model_final.pth --data_path ~/RGBD-Tree-Segs-Clean/ --type many

To transfer from AWS to your local machine, use SCP

scp -r -i path/to/ssh_key ubuntu@ip-address:/path/to/saved/visualizations path/to/transfer


--data 'path to my dataset(s)' # if empty will look at the tiles path
--plots ['CPT*', 'Twister', 'Kelowna'] # if empty will
--predictors ['alexis, sequoia', 'andrew', 'sequoia']  # if empty will use a default setting 'fuse, mask'
--confidence 0.5
--duplicate-threshold 0.85
--min-segment-area 2

Library Modifications:

The PyCOCOTools library has a python2/3 compatibility issue. See cocodataset/cocoapi#49 for the fix. pycocotools python3 unicode issue Alter line 308 of at pycocotools library directory, change unicode to bytes.

When loading pretrain ResNet weights into a depth model, the checkpoint loader loads the suffix of matching weights between two models with the longest name (e.g. backbone.res2 vs backbone.depth_encoder.res2). This convention is not kept in depth based resnet backbones, so we manyally remove the depth-encoder matches before loading in new weights. See the TODO edit in /home/ubuntu/drone-tree-id/lib/detectron2/detectron2/checkpoint/



Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%Language:Python 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%