tomeichlersmith / uplcio

Load data from LCIO directly into in-memory awkward arrays.

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Load LCIO files directly into in-memory awkward arrays.


I got pretty far with implementing this as a proof-of-concept but I reached an issue that I am unable to rectify (detail below). Hopefully this half-finished project will be helpful for someone else in the future.

Core Issue: LCRelations

A major part of the LCIO format is "relations" between objects. In some cases, this means one object is another object's parent ("constiuent" relations, e.g. a track is related to the hits that make it) or could mean "extra" information that may not always be needed ("LCRelation", e.g. a track fit may yield data about the kinks in the track which would only be necessary if a user wishes to study how the track fit is doing). Relationships like these break the tree-structure of an awkward array, but we can still implement them by using indices and implementing special behaviors (or manually changing the form) - this was discussed in a scikit-hep/awkward discussion. The core issue is that LCIO implements relations like these not as indices but as pointers in C++. This pointer-based implementation works well on the C++ side, but suffers when trying to translate it to another format in memory. This leaves me with a few options.

  1. On each event during translation, construct a map of all LCObject* pointers in the event to their collection name and index in that collection. Make this mapping available to all ReadOnlyBranches so that they can translate any constiuent relations or LCRelations that may come up into a look-up ID that can be used on the awkward side in python. This has the benefit of maintaining the structure of the LCIO data (as best we can) but has a significant overhead cost for each event.
  2. Abandon translation of references from LCIO and adopt an ownership-only model. Constiuent relations are stored directly as members of the owning object and LCRelations copy the to object into the from object. This avoids this cost of constructing a look-up map, but leads to a confusing relationship between the LCIO data and the in-memory awkward data.

Neither of these "solutions" are very satisfying to me and so I'm abandoning this project at this stage. Perhaps a person with more knowledge about the LCIO format or its code base will be able to offer a nicer solution to this problem, but for now I am not working on it.


The on-disk bit format is not well documented, I literally can't find it anywhere, so I think that means we will have to fall back to using the LCIO C++ library itself in a backend python module. This isn't a large loss since Awkward has a header-only distribution of "builders" that can be put into a python module via pybind11.

Roughly in order, may not be tackled in order if other roadblocks or new ideas arise.

  • set up two-tier package structure a la awkward

Assuming system install of LCIO

Basic operations that show ability to parse file and construct a regular array.

  • read event headers written by simjob
  • read run headers written by simjob
  • read collection names (and their types)
  • cross-collection referencing behavior in awkward1

Priority Collection Types

As a first pass, not going to attempt to implement all of the LCIO Event objects. The full list is quite long and so I'm going to focus on a core set related to my work on HPS.

  • MCParticle
  • SimTrackerHit
  • SimCalorimeterHit
  • LCGenericObject
  • TrackerHit
  • Track (with optional LCRelations to define additional data?)
  • CalorimeterHit
  • Cluster
  • ReconstructedParticle
  • TrackState

Expanding Usability

  • select events by index range
  • pass LCIO_DIR into uplcio_cpp build
  • add LCIO as another FetchContent option
  • investigate LCIO schema evolution - can one build of uplcio_cpp handle multiple LCIO schema versions?
  • read LCRelations and put their pointer behavior into ak.behavior somehow



Generally, I'm thinking we will have two python packages similar to how awkward itself is structured: an underlying package consisting of bound C++ for the heavy-duty functions and an interface package wrapping these strict/complicated functions with easier to use, more flexible, and type-checking ones.

The pybind11-C++ underlying package.


The interface package that wraps the bound reader to make it more ergonomic and pythonic. Not going to explicitly outline an API right now, but I do want to note some ideas.

  • Context manager semantics for with-style interaction with ReadOnlyFile
  • A central open function to handle the different parameters, do argument checking
  • Helper arrays or load implementation that goes straight to reading the objects into memory
    • Optionally load runs into memory (return events or (events, runs))
    • Do type checking, and collection existence checking?
    • Some basic filtering by collection name?
  • a lcio2parquet program using the ak.to_parquet function after loading
  • optionally cache the lcio file with a faster parquet file?


  1. Necessary for LCRelations as well as other "constituent" relations (like track hits making up a track). The physlite behaviors in coffea seem to implement this cross-collection referencing behavior that I would like (this implementation looks like they store a reference to the full event array and its indices and then can return referenced collections from sub-collections by using these references passed around).


Load data from LCIO directly into in-memory awkward arrays.


Language:C++ 79.8%Language:Python 12.1%Language:CMake 7.2%Language:Shell 0.9%