tombailey / gcp-serverless-ludwig-model

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An example serverless ludwig ML model for determining which movie a particular excerpt is from.


  • specify your data in data.csv
  • change the example model ludwig definition in ludwig-model.yml
  • ludwig experiment --data_csv data.csv --model_definition_file ludwig-model.yml

If you change the ludwig model, you will need to update the python code to reflect your features and outputs.


Deploy to GCP with:

  • Move your ludwig model to ./model
  • Ignore irrelevant files using .gcloudignore (see below)
  • gcloud config set project my-project
  • gcloud beta functions deploy predict --runtime python37 --memory=1024MB --trigger-http

Due to GCP size limitations, you may need to remove or ignore unnecessary ludwig model files before deploying to GCP. You should only need to keep the following files:

  • model_hyperparameters.json
  • model_weights.index
  • model_weights.meta
  • train_set_metadata.json


With thanks to Gilbert Tanner's post about hosting a ludwig model using Flask.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%