tomatau / marvel-test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Circle CI

Babel React Koa - Hot Universal Boilerplate

Breko Hub

Greenkeeper badge

Breko hub is a github repository that helps anyone create new JavaScript applications. Giving you a technically sound and well tested starting point for your application.



  • Enables building universal SPAs
  • A modern redux architecture
  • Hot reloading of CSS-modules
  • Fast server side hot reloading
  • 99% ES-next code-base
  • Hot reloading unit tests in a browser
  • A comprehensive functional and unit test suite
  • A lucid code-base
  • A pretty console output
  • Useful debugging tools


Breko-hub will only work on node version 6 and above as it is making use of Koa v2 along with polyfills for async/await syntax. To make it work on a lower version of node, the runtime compilation would need to be applied to koa and other node_modules.

Quick Start

Use the following commands to get started on your new app using breko-hub.

git clone --depth=1 <directory-name>
cd <directory-name>
npm i
mv example.env .env
npm start

With the default .env file, this will start your application in development mode on port 9001. It also provides a configuration for running the debugger with a useful console output.

Open a browser window at localhost:9001.

To claim the project:

git apply ./patches/0001-remove-most-example-code.patch

This removes:

  • /bar route related code
  • /oops route related code
  • /private route related code including flash messages support

You will be left with a HomeRoute with some copy inside. Also the App.js component will have some meta data that you should update. Also, don't forget to update the name in your package.json!


There is also a new blog that documents some of the techniques used in breko-hub. The blog was also created using breko-hub as a starting point.


Breko hub uses the following libraries at its core:

Build tools
  • koa - A lightweight server framework.
  • koa-router - Router middleware for koa.
  • - A node engine for WebSocket communication.
  • - An adapter for sharing redux actions over WebSockets.
Universal Application
  • lodash - A popular modular utility library.
  • ramda - A modular utility library focused on functional programming.
  • SCSS - A popular CSS preprocessor.
  • PostCSS - CSS transformations with JavaScript.
  • css-modules - A build step for modular, local scoped CSS management.



npm run start [-- --open]

Builds and serves app with hot reloading and debugging support.

Build client-side app

npm run build

Creates bundles and assets into ./src/static directory. Reads .env but always uses production Webpack configuration.

Start the server

Set the NODE_ENV flag to production in your .env file.

npm start

Expects bundles and assets to exist in the ./src/static directory. Runs the server in production mode.

Unit test development server

npm run test:server

Start a test server using Mocha and Webpack-middleware. Provides a browser based testing environment. Loading tests from within ./src where extension is .test.js.

Unit test single run

npm run test:unit

Runs the test suite in a node environment through mocha, once.

Functional/integration tests run

npm run test:func

Runs functional tests inside ./test/functional directory.


npm run lint
npm run lint:styles

Reads .eslintrc and sass-lint.yml for linting configurations.


npm run coverage
npm run coverage:check

Reads .istanbul.yml for thresholds in check.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 96.7%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:Shell 0.8%