tomassliz / MultiplatformDogs

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Multiplatform Dogs

If you're interested in Dogs and Multiplatform code, this is the right place.

This repository contains a swift package that shares application logic between 3 clients:


Each clients injects it's View to complete the dependency graph:


The app is quite simple and has only three features:

  • List of dog breeds,
  • collection of dog images for each breed,
  • and a collection of user-favorite dogs.


What's the purpose?

Demonstrate that it's possible to have one module shared across multiple apps - regardless of the UI framework used to render it on the screen. The swift package contains everything besides the client-specific View layer.

Applied principles

Command Query Responsibility Segregation

  • Commands that modify data are separated from queries.
  • Subscription to state updates comes easy with no overhead.

Repository Pattern

  • Stores and distributes the state.
  • Shields domain logic from the data access.

Dependency Injection

  • Swift package contains a complete dependency graph.
  • It's then extended by the specifics of the client apps.
  • Uses scopes to share repository implementations.

Test Driven Development

  • Ensures that DI is done right.
  • Serves as executable documentation.
  • Makes sure each component is the right size, as the big classes are difficult to test.

What's not the purpose?

The purpose is NOT to demonstrate and establish best practices in SwiftUI and Combine. There are multiple ways to implement DI, CQRS, handle state, SwiftUI re-rendering, etc. Consider this just one example.

How to install

  • Open in Xcode (preferably 13.4.1)
  • Wait for the SPM to do its thing
  • Run

Who and why

I did this in my free time to learn. It later became a workshop for - thanks for providing me with additional time to finish.



Language:Swift 100.0%