tomasnorre / talks

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Talks by Tomas Norre Mikkelsen

I've always been enjoying sharing my knowledge. This repository collects the talks I've been giving.

Jenkins Job DSL - Configuration as Code - TYPO3 Conference East Europe (Nov. 2016)

Most developers want to write code, they don’t want to click around in GUIs or do manual work. A lot of development teams uses Jenkins for package building, testing and tons of other automated jobs. All of this, of course, to improve the overall quality and simplicity of a project, but also to remove some of the “pain” from the developers. Most teams configure everything in Jenkins manually and with limited history, versioning and rollback options.

What can be done to help developers focus on developing while benefitting from their daily work in the Jenkins setup at the same time? 

Extension Development - The cloud is the limit! - TYPO3 Conference East Europe (Nov. 2015)

Some people might think that extension development is hard, but it does not need to be. How do we make it easier? How can one ensure that the quality is kept? without running the full-scale QA engine. There are a lots of tools that one can use for free in the cloud. The primary topic for this talk will be Travis CI and the tools one can use together with it.

TYPO3 CMS for 3rd party software - TYPO3 Camp Copenhagen (Mar. 2013)

Disclaimer: Slides in Danish

This talk is about how we use TYPO3 CMS as "headless" CMS for 3rd party software like FaceBook and our shopping system. It shows configuration on how to strip down TYPO3 and how to include the context with ESI in the HTML.
