tomasdoh / Bookmark-Manager

Building a web app to manage bookmarks - using Sinatra and Postgres

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bookmark Manager

User stories

As an internet user,
So that I can find all of my favourite websites when I need them,
I want to be able to view a list of my bookmarked urls.

As an internet user,
So that I can remember any new websites that I like,
I want to be able to add urls to the list of bookmarks.

As an internet user,
So that I can manage my bookmarks the way I want,
I want to be able to delete a bookmark.

As an internet user,
So I can make changes to my bookmarks,
I want to be able to update a bookmark.

Domain model

Domain model for User Story 1

To set up the database:

Connect to psql and create the bookmark_manager database and bookmark_manager_test databases:

CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager;
CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager_test;

To set up the appropriate tables, connect to each database in psql and run the SQL scripts in the db/migrations folder in the given order.

To run the Bookmark Manager app:

rackup -p 3000

To view bookmarks, navigate to localhost:3000/bookmarks.


Building a web app to manage bookmarks - using Sinatra and Postgres


Language:HTML 49.0%Language:CSS 32.6%Language:Ruby 18.4%