tomanagle / cachified

wrap virtually everything that can store by key to act as cache with ttl/max-age, stale-while-validate, parallel fetch protection and type-safety support

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πŸš€ Publish codecov no dependencies npm
semantic-release: angular Love and Peace

πŸ§™ One API to cache them all

wrap virtually everything that can store by key to act as cache with ttl/max-age, stale-while-validate, parallel fetch protection and type-safety support

πŸ€” Idea and πŸ’» initial implementation by @kentcdodds πŸ‘πŸ’œ


npm install cachified
# yarn add cachified


import type { CacheEntry } from 'cachified';
import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import { cachified } from 'cachified';

// lru cache is not part of this package but a simple non-persistent cache
const lru = new LRUCache<string, CacheEntry<string>>({ max: 1000 });

function getUserById({ userId }: { userId: string }): Promise<User> {
  return cachified({
    key: `users_${userId}`,
    cache: lru,
    async getFreshValue() {
      const response = await fetch(`${userId}`);
      return response.json();
    // 5 minutes until cache gets invalid
    // Optional, defaults to Infinity
    ttl: 300_000,

// Let's get through some calls of `getUserById`:

const user = await getUserById('1');
// > logs the user with ID 1
// Cache was empty, `getFreshValue` got invoked to generate a pi-ish number
// that is now cached for 5 minutes

// 2 minutes later
const user = await getUserById('1');
// Cache was filled an valid. `getFreshValue` was not invoked, previous number
// is returned

// 10 minutes later
const user = await getUserById('1');
// > logs the user with ID 1
// Cache timed out, `getFreshValue` got invoked to fetch a fresh copy of the user
// that now replaces current cache entry and is cached for 5 minutes


interface CachifiedOptions<Value> {
   * The key this value is cached by
   * Must be unique for each value
   * @type {string} Required
  key: string;
   * Cache implementation to use
   * Must conform with signature
   *  - set(key: string, value: object): void | Promise<void>
   *  - get(key: string): object | Promise<object>
   *  - delete(key: string): void | Promise<void>
   * @type {Cache} Required
  cache: Cache<Value>;
   * This is called when no valid value is in cache for given key.
   * Basically what we would do if we wouldn't use a cache.
   * Can be async and must return fresh value or throw.
   * context looks like this:
   *  - context.metadata.ttl?: number
   *  - context.metadata.swr?: number
   *  - context.metadata.createdTime: number
   *  - context.background: boolean
   * @type {function(context: GetFreshValueContext): Promise | Value} Required
  getFreshValue: GetFreshValue<Value>;
   * Time To Live; often also referred to as max age.
   * Amount of milliseconds the value should stay in cache
   * before we get a fresh one
   * @type {number} Optional (Default: Infinity) - must be positive, can be infinite
  ttl?: number;
   * Amount of milliseconds that a value with exceeded ttl is still returned
   * while a fresh value is refreshed in the background
   * @type {number} Optional (Default: 0) - must be positive, can be infinite
  staleWhileRevalidate?: number;
   * Called for each fresh or cached value to check if it matches the
   * typescript type.
   * Value considered ok when returns:
   *  - true
   *  - migrate(newValue)
   *  - undefined
   *  - null
   * Value considered bad when:
   *  - returns false
   *  - returns reason as string
   *  - throws
   * @type {function(): boolean | undefined | string | MigratedValue} Optional, default makes no value check
  checkValue?: (
    value: unknown,
    migrate: (value: Value) => MigratedValue<Value>,
  ) => ValueCheckResult<Value> | Promise<ValueCheckResult<Value>>;
   * Set true to not even try reading the currently cached value
   * Will write new value to cache even when cached value is
   * still valid.
   * @type {boolean} Optional (Default: false)
  forceFresh?: boolean;
   * Weather of not to fall back to cache when getting a forced fresh value
   * fails.
   * Can also be the maximum age in milliseconds that a fallback value might
   * have
   * @type {boolean | number} Optional (Default: Infinity) - number must be positive
  fallbackToCache?: boolean | number;
   * Amount of time in milliseconds before revalidation of a stale
   * cache entry is started
   * @type {number} Optional (Default: 0) - must be positive and finite
  staleRefreshTimeout?: number;
   * A reporter receives events during the runtime of
   * cachified and can be used for debugging and monitoring
   * @type {(context) => (event) => void} Optional, defaults to no reporting
  reporter?: CreateReporter<Value>;


There are some build-in adapters for common caches, using them makes sure the used caches cleanup outdated values themselves.

Adapter for lru-cache

import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import { cachified, lruCacheAdapter } from 'cachified';

const lru = new LRUCache<string, CacheEntry<string>>({ max: 1000 });
const cache = lruCacheAdapter(lru);

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ key, getFreshValue } */

Adapter for redis

import { createClient } from 'redis';
import { cachified, redisCacheAdapter } from 'cachified';

const redis = createClient({ /* ...opts */ });
const cache = redisCacheAdapter(redis);

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ key, getFreshValue } */

Adapter for redis@3

import { createClient } from 'redis';
import { cachified, redis3CacheAdapter } from 'cachified';

const redis = createClient({ /* ...opts */ });
const cache = redis3CacheAdapter(redis);

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ key, getFreshValue } */

Advanced Usage

Stale while revalidate

Specify a time window in which a cached value is returned even though it's ttl is exceeded while the cache is updated in the background for the next call.

import { cachified } from 'cachified';

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ cache, key, getFreshValue } */
    ttl: 1000 * 60 /* One minute */,
    staleWhileRevalidate: 1000 * 60 * 5 /* Five minutes */,
  • First Call:
    Cache is empty, getFreshValue gets invoked and and its value returned and cached
  • Second Call after 30 seconds:
    Cache is filled an valid. getFreshValue is not invoked, cached value is returned
  • Third Call after 4 minutes:
    Cache timed out but stale while revalidate is not exceeded, cached value is returned immediately, getFreshValue gets invoked in the background and its value is cached
  • Fourth Call after 4.5 minutes:
    Cache is filled an valid. getFreshValue is not invoked, refreshed value is returned

Forcing fresh values and falling back to cache

We can use forceFresh to get a fresh value regardless of the values ttl or stale while validate

import { cachified } from 'cachified';

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ cache, key, getFreshValue } */

    forceFresh: Boolean(user.isAdmin),
    /* when getting a forced fresh value fails we fall back to cached value
       as long as it's not older then one hour */
    fallbackToCache: 1000 * 60 * 60 /* one hour, defaults to Infinity */,


In practice we can not be entirely sure that values from cache are of the types we assume. For example other parties could also write to the cache or code is changed while cache stays the same.

import type { CacheEntry } from 'cachified';
import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import { cachified } from 'cachified';

const lru = new LRUCache<string, CacheEntry<string>>({ max: 1000 });

lru.set('pi', { value: 'Invalid', metadata: { createdAt: } });
function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ getFreshValue } */
    key: 'pi',
    cache: lru,
    checkValue(value: unknown) {
      if (typeof value !== 'number') {
        return 'Value must be a number';
      } else if (!String(value).startsWith('3.14159')) {
        return 'Value is not actually pi-ish';
  • First Call:
    Cache is not empty but value is invalid, getFreshValue gets invoked and and its value returned and cached
  • Second Call:
    Cache is filled an valid. getFreshValue is not invoked, cached value is returned

ℹ️ checkValue is also invoked with the return value of getFreshValue

Migrating Values

When the format of cached values is changed during the apps lifetime they can be migrated on read like this:

import type { CacheEntry } from 'cachified';
import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import { cachified } from 'cachified';

const lru = new LRUCache<string, CacheEntry<string>>({ max: 1000 });
/* Let's assume we've previously stored values as string */
lru.set('pi', { value: '3.14', metadata: { createdAt: } });

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ getFreshValue } */
    key: 'pi',
    cache: lru,
    checkValue(value, migrate) {
      if (typeof value === 'string' && value.startsWith('3.14')) {
        return migrate(parseFloat(value));
      /* other validations... */
  • First Call:
    Cache is not empty but value can be migrated, 3.14 is returned and cached value is updated, getFreshValue is not invoked
  • Second Call:
    Cache is filled an valid. getFreshValue is not invoked, cached value is returned

Batch requesting values

In case multiple values can be requested in a batch action, but it's not clear which values are currently in cache we can use the createBatch helper

import type { CacheEntry } from 'cachified';
import LRUCache from 'lru-cache';
import { cachified, createBatch } from 'cachified';

type Entry = any;
const lru = new LRUCache<string, CacheEntry<string>>({ max: 1000 });

function getEntries(ids: number[]): Promise<Entry[]> {
  const batch = createBatch(getFreshValues);

  return Promise.all( =>
        key: `entry-${id}`,
        cache: lru,
        getFreshValue: batch.add(id),

async function getFreshValues(idsThatAreNotInCache: number[]): Entry[] {
  const res = await fetch(
  const data = await res.json();

  return data as Entry[];
  • First Call with getEntries(1,2):
    Caches for entry-1 and entry-2 are empty. getFreshValues is invoked with [1,2], its return values cached separately and returned
  • Second Call with getEntries(2, 3):
    Cache for entry-2 is valid but entry-3 is empty. getFreshValues is invoked with [3] and its return value cached. We'll return with one value from cache and one fresh value


A reporter might be passed to cachified to log caching events, we ship a reporter resembling the logging from Kents implementation

import { cachified, verboseReporter } from 'cachified';

function getPi() {
  return cachified({
    /* ...{ cache, key, getFreshValue } */
    reporter: verboseReporter(),

please refer to the implementation of verboseReporter when you want to implement a custom reporter.


wrap virtually everything that can store by key to act as cache with ttl/max-age, stale-while-validate, parallel fetch protection and type-safety support

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.7%Language:JavaScript 0.3%