tolgacakir / TaskManagerApp-NetCore

The task manager sample application with Asp.NetCore MVC

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The task manager sample application with Asp.NetCore MVC.

The traditional layered architecture is used in this project.

The Solution Architecture

  • Core: The Core layer is a portable class library for every project. It doesn't depend on any project in this solution but it can depend on some nuget libraries. For exp.: FluentValidation. It includes technology-specific project/entity-independent codes like Logger, Validator, ORM interfaces and generic implementations and utilities. For exp.: FileManager, Entity Framework Core GenericRepository, FileLogger...

  • Entities: The Entities layer is a modelling the DB objects. It includes entity objects that usable in all of the layers like User.

  • DataAccessLayer: The Data Access Layer is layer that connecting to the data. It can includes different data access technologies for exp.: EF, Nhibernate, Ado.Net etc. On the other hand, it includes technology-independent repository interfaces. For exp.: IUserDal. The client (It is BLL in this solution) that using DAL uses only interfaces. However, the client can choose which concrete class (for exp.: EfUserDal or AdoNetUserDal) to implement by constructor injection.

  • BusinessLogicLayer: This layer acts as a bridge between the UI and DataAccess layers. It includes service/manager classes, business codes etc.

  • WebUi: This layer is an Asp.Net Core Mvc project. It includes Models, Views, Controllers and the other ready-made classes from Asp.Net Core Mvc

How to Develop

Example DB Backup

You can access database backup from here: There are 3 users in User.dbo; username:password

  • tolga:00000000
  • FirstUser:11111111
  • test_user:22222222

Creating New User

There is no user creating function on WebUi. You can edit and execute this test method: TaskManagerApp.BusinessLogicLayer.Tests.UserManagerTests.Should_Create_User()

Changing the ConnectionString

  • Open the TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Concrete.EntityFramework.TaskManagerDbContext.cs file
  • Change the OnConfiguring() -> optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer(@"myConnectionString");

Adding the new Entity and Its EF Core based Repositories

  • Create new entity;
namespace TaskManagerApp.Entities.Concrete
  public class MyEntity : IEntity
    public int X {get; set;}

  • Create Mapping, Edit DbContext and Apply Mapping Creating Entity Configuration:
namespace TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Concrete.EntityFramework.Configurations
    public class MyEntityConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<MyEntity>
        public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<MyEntity> builder)
            builder.ToTable(@"MyEntities", "dbo");
            builder.HasKey(m => m.Id);
            builder.Property(m => m.Id).HasColumnName("Id");
            builder.Property(m => m.X).HasColumnName("X");

Adding DbSet to DbContext and Applying Entity Configuration:

namespace TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Concrete.EntityFramework
    public class TaskManagerDbContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<MyEntity> MyEntities { get; set; }
        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new MyEntityConfiguration());

  • Create technology-independent repository interface;
namespace TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Abstract
  public interface IMyEntityDal : IEntityRepository<MyEntity>

IEntityRepository interface has include CRUD operations. If you want to add a different operation than CRUD;

namespace TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Abstract
  public interface IMyEntityDal : IEntityRepository<Entity>
    public int GetCount();

  • Create technology-specific repository class;
namespace TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Concrete.EntityFramework
  public class EfMyEntityDal : EfEntityRepositoryBase<MyEntity,MyDbContext>, IMyEntityDal

EfEntityRepositoryBase has include CRUD implementations for T using EF Core. If you added a different operation than CRUD to IMyEntityDal. You have to implement the method like this;

namespace TaskManagerApp.DataAccessLayer.Concrete.EntityFramework
  public class EfMyEntityDal : EfEntityRepositoryBase<MyEntity,MyDbContext>, IMyEntityDal
    public int GetCount()

Adding the new Service/Manager Class for MyEntity on BusinessLogicLayer

  • Create an service interface;
namespace TaskManagerApp.BusinessLogicLayer.Abstract
    public interface IMyEntityService
        List<MyEntity> GetAll();
        void Add(MyEntity myEntity);
        void Update(MyEntity myEntity);
        void Delete(MyEntity myEntity);
        List<MyEntity> GetWithMyCondition(P parameter);
        // And/Or custom methods...

  • Create an manager class as an implementation the service interface;
namespace TaskManagerApp.BusinessLogicLayer.Abstract
    public class MyEntityManager : IMyEntityService
        private readonly IMyEntityDal _myEntityDal;
        public MyEntityManager(IMyEntityDal myEntityDal)
            _myEntityDal = myEntityDal;
        List<MyEntity> GetAll()
        void Add(MyEntity myEntity)
        void Update(MyEntity myEntity)
        void Delete(MyEntity myEntity)
        List<MyEntity> GetWithMyCondition(P parameter)

MyEntityManager doesn't know the IMyEntityService implementation or any ORM, DB technologies. This class only works with repository (dal object) interface.

Using MyEntity Service Object In Client-Side

  • Registration for dependency injection;
namespace TaskManagerApp.WebUi
    public class Startup
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            services.AddScoped<IMyEntityService, MyEntityManager>();

  • Inject with constructor and use it;
namespace TaskManagerApp.WebUi.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly IMyEntityService _myEntityManager;
        public HomeController(IMyEntityService myEntityManager, /*...*/)
            _myEntityManager = myEntityManager;
        public IActionResult Index()
                var myEntities = _myEntityManager.GetAll();

Adding Validation For MyEntity

  • Create MyEntityValidator; TaskManagerApp.BusinessLogicLayer.ValidationRules.FluentValidation -> MyEntityValidator.cs
namespace TaskManagerApp.BusinessLogicLayer.ValidationRules.FluentValidation
    public class MyEntityValidator : AbstractValidator<MyEntity>
        public MyEntityValidator()
            RuleFor(m => m.X).NotEqual(0).WithMessage("X can not be zero.");

  • Use MyEntityValidator in MyEntityManger;
namespace TaskManagerApp.BusinessLogicLayer.Abstract
    public class MyEntityManager : IMyEntityService
        private readonly IMyEntityDal _myEntityDal;
        private readonly IValidator _validator;
        public MyEntityManager(IMyEntityDal myEntityDal)
            _myEntityDal = myEntityDal;
            _validator = new MyEntityValidator();
        List<MyEntity> GetAll()
        void Add(MyEntity myEntity)
            ValidatorTool.Validate(_validator, myEntity);

Adding CustomLogger

  • Create CustomLogger; TaskManagerApp.Core.CrossCuttingConcerns.Logging.Loggers -> CustomLogger.cs
namespace TaskManagerApp.Core.CrossCuttingConcerns.Logging.Loggers
    public class CustomLogger : ILogger
        public CustomLogger()

        public IDisposable BeginScope<TState>(TState state)
            return null;

        public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel)
            return true;

        public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func<TState, Exception, string> formatter)
            string logMessage = $"...**write log message**...";
            //write to file, database etc.

  • Create CustomLoggerProvider;
namespace TaskManagerApp.Core.CrossCuttingConcerns.Logging.LoggerProviders
    public class CustomLoggerProvider : ILoggerProvider
        public CustomLoggerProvider()
        public ILogger CreateLogger(string categoryName)
            return new CustomLogger();

        public void Dispose()

  • Use CustomLoggerProvider;
namespace TaskManagerApp.WebUi
    public class Startup
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
            loggerFactory.AddProvider(new CustomLoggerProvider());

  • Inject CustomLogger with constructor and use it;
namespace TaskManagerApp.WebUi.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;
        public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger, /*...*/)
            _logger = logger;
        public IActionResult Index()
               _logger.LogError(/* **log message** */);

This controller is agnostic about logger implementation.

Adding New User Interface

  • Create new user interface; For exp.: Console, Winform, Wpf etc.

  • Use the service layer objects (in BLL); For exp.: IUserService

  • Configure the dependency injection; For ILogger, IUserService etc.

For More Details


The task manager sample application with Asp.NetCore MVC


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