tokku5552 / snowflake-aws-mysql-connector

Integrate with Snowflake and MySQL(Aurora) on AWS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Copy configuration file

$ cp conf/example.json conf/production.json

Edit configuration file

Edit conf/production.json.

key value example
stackName Stack name of CloudFormation prod-SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnector-Stack
awsAccountId AWS account id to deploy (12 digits) 123456789012
awsRegion AWS region to deploy ap-northeast-1
lambdaFunctionName AWS Lambda function name to deploy prod-snowflake-aws-mysql-connector
vpcId Amazon VPC id where Lambda functions to run vpc-abcded12345abcdef
subnets Subnets(id and availability zone name) where Lambda functions to run [{"id": "subnet-abcdefghik1234567", "availabilityZone": "ap-northeast-1a"}, {"id": "subnet-lmnopqrstu8901234", "availabilityZone": "ap-northeast-1c"}]
securityGroupIds Security group ids to attach Lambda's ENI ["sg-abcdef12345678901", "sg-ghijkl23456789012"]
snowflakeApiAwsIamUser IAM User from Snowflake (This must be empty array first time) []
mysqlHost MySQL hostname or ip to connect. VPC of Lambda function and MySQL must same.
mysqlUser MySQL user user1
mysqlPassword MySQL password password
  • ⚠️ snowflakeApiAwsIamUser must be empty array first time.

Build Lambda function

$ cd path/to/snowflake-aws-mysql-connector/
$ npm install
$ npm run build:cdk

Init CDK

$ cd path/to/snowflake-aws-mysql-connector/cdk/
$ npm install
$ npm run cdk -- bootstrap -c target=production

You can use --profile option if you use profile to switch account or role. (e.g. npm run cdk -- --profile my-profile ...)

Check what to deploy

$ npm run cdk -- diff -c target=production

Deploy Lambda function and API Gateway

$ npm run cdk -- deploy -c target=production
Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)? y

Check output value from CDK

Output example:

SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAllowedPrefixes =
SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAwsRoleArn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/prod-snowflake-aws-mysql-connector-execution-role-for-snowflake
SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.prodsnowflakeawsmysqlconnectorrestapiEndpoint2587587B =

SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAllowedPrefixes and SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAwsRoleArn are used later.

You can check these values on CloudFormation outputs of AWS Console.

Integrate Snowflake and your AWS IAM role

Query on Snowflake. Maybe you should use role ACCOUNTADMIN;

placeholder value example
<integration_name> integration name prod_api_gateway_mysql
<iam_\role_arn> SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAwsRoleArn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/prod-snowflake-aws-mysql-connector-execution-role-for-snowflake
<api_prefix> SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAllowedPrefixes
create or replace api integration <integration_name>
  api_provider = aws_api_gateway
  api_aws_role_arn = '<iam_role_arn>'
  enabled = true
  api_allowed_prefixes = ('<api_prefix>')

Update configuration

Query on Snowflake to get API_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN and API_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID.

placeholder value example
<integration_name> integration name prod_api_gateway_mysql
describe api integration <integration_name>;

Update conf/production.json.

placeholder example
<API_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN> arn:aws:iam::987654321098:user/abcdef-abcd1234
key value example
snowflakeApiAwsIamUser Update with API_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN and API_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID [{"arn": "<API_AWS_IAM_USER_ARN>", "externalId": "<API_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID>"}]

Build Lambda function

$ cd path/to/snowflake-aws-mysql-connector/
$ npm install
$ npm run build:cdk

Check what to deploy

$ npm run cdk -- diff -c target=production

Deploy Lambda function and API Gateway

$ npm run cdk -- deploy -c target=production
Do you wish to deploy these changes (y/n)? y

Create Snowflake External Function

placeholder value example
<external_function_name> external function name prod_call_api_gateway_mysql
<integration_name> integration name prod_api_gateway_mysql
<api_prefix> SnowflakeAWSMySQLConnectorStack.SnowflakeApiAllowedPrefixes
create or replace external function <external_function_name>(q string)
  returns variant
  api_integration = <integration_name>
  max_batch_rows = 1
  as '<api_prefix>'

Create Snowflake User Defined Table Function(UDTF)

placeholder value example
<function_name> udf name query_mysql
<external_function_name> external function name prod_call_api_gateway_mysql
create or replace function <function_name>(q string)
    returns table(value variant)
    as '
select value from
  table(flatten(input =>
    case <external_function_name>(q):compress
      when \'zlib\' then parse_json(decompress_string(base64_decode_binary(<external_function_name>(q):encodedRecords), \'zlib\'))
      else parse_json(<external_function_name>(q):encodedRecords)


You can use UDTF(named as <function_name>);

-- select all
select * from table(query_mysql('select * from my_table'));

-- select specific columns
select value:id, value:name from table(query_mysql('select id, name from users'));

-- join with Snowflake table and MySQL table
select log.user_id, users.value:name
  log  left join table(query_mysql('select id, name from users')) as users
    log.user_id = users.value:id
limit 10;


Integrate with Snowflake and MySQL(Aurora) on AWS

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 88.3%Language:JavaScript 11.7%