todokku / flappytips

Polkadot ecosystem game

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Objective: Fly the DOT character between the gaps as many blocks as possible.

Economics Incentivises users to create an account on the chain and deposit sufficient funds to cover the transaction costs required to share their game results. If the user plays the game and shares their results, they may be eligible for a tip from the treasury.


  • Choice of currently supported chains (i.e. Polkadot, Kusama).
  • Player character is a DOT (similar to Flappy Bird)
  • Polkadot.js Extension is integrated when playing on Desktop, otherwise user needs to enter their private key to share their result (until FlappyTips supports account QR code scanning)
  • Responsive with support for mobile devices or desktop
  • Press Spacebar multiple times to fly the DOT on desktop
  • Touch the screen multiple times to fly the DOT on mobile devices
  • Blocks appear each time a new block is authored on your chosen chain. The chain must support treasury.reportAwesome
  • After each block appears, the speed that it moves increases each time.
  • After about 10 blocks the gap may becomes larger but it still becomes more difficult as the blocks move faster
  • If you click "Request Tip?" button after each game and enter your "Mnemonic Seed" that corresponds to the chain that you chose to connected to in the game, along with an optional identifer (i.e. your Twitter handle), it then will submit an extrinsic to the chain that will report your awesomeness for clearing some blocks as a Tip, and should appear in the "Tip" section here To obtain an account for that chain and an associated "Mnemonic Seed", go to and create an account at "Add Account", and remember and use the "Mnemonic Seed".


  • Add support for adding accounts by scanning QR code on mobile devices
  • Standardise the game configurations and prevent users from submitting a fake game result


Develop Environment

Clone the repository, install Yarn and Node.js, and then run the following in terminal:

npm install -g nodemon &&
yarn &&
yarn run build &&
yarn run start-dev
  • Go to http://localhost:3000
  • Press space bar to make your dot fly and try to navigate through the obstacles.

Additional planned functionality and deployment to production is dependent on whether help is obtained from Riot channels in response to technical support enquiries.

Deploy to Heroku

  • Start
heroku login
heroku apps:create flappytips
git push -f heroku master
heroku local web
heroku ps:scale web=1:free
heroku ps
heroku open
heroku logs --tail
heroku restart
  • Stop
heroku ps:stop web
  • Scale up dynos
heroku ps:scale web=2:standard-2x
  • Scale down dynos
heroku ps:scale web=1:free


  • If you get an unknown type error, then it may be necessary to update polkadot-js/api dependency in package.json, since it is constantly evolving.

  • To kill a frozen process

ps -ef | grep node
kill -9 <PROCESS_ID>

Additional Notes

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Credit to this repo that was used to replicate a Flappy Bird like game

Smart Contracts

Create Leaderboard using Substrate ink! Smart Contract language

curl -sSf | bash -s -- --fast
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain stable
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
cargo install node-cli --git --tag v2.0.0-rc4 --force
cargo install cargo-contract --vers 0.6.1 --force
mkdir -p ink/contracts
cd ink/contracts
cargo contract new flipper
cd flipper
  • Build smart contract to convert ink! project into Wasm binary for deployment to chain. Access in ./target/<CONTRACT_NAME>.wasm
cargo +nightly contract build
  • Test smart contract
cargo +nightly test
  • Generate smart contract metadata (ABI). Access in ./target/<CONTRACT_NAME>.json
cargo +nightly contract generate-metadata

Deploy Smart Contract to Edgeware


Polkadot ecosystem game

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 70.3%Language:Rust 22.6%Language:HTML 3.7%Language:CSS 3.4%