todoge / ip

National University of Singapore CS2103T Software engineering project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

User Guide for King Chat Bot

This is a project under the module CS2103t taken in the National University of Singapore.

Java CI

Instructions to run the app:
Download and run the king.jar in release v1.2.
On running the application successfully, you should see the pop-up window.


  • todo
  • deadline
  • event
  • delete
  • find
  • list
  • clear list
  • bye


todo <task> - Adds a new task

Adds a new task to list.

Example of usage: todo running

Got it. I've added this task:  
    [T][?] running  
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

event <task> /at <time> - Adds a new event

Adds a new event to list.

Example of usage: event marathon /at 2pm

Got it. I've added this task:  
    [T][?] marathon (at: 2pm)  
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

deadline <task> /by <date> <time> - Adds a new deadline

Adds a new deadline to list.

Example of usage: deadline homework /by 23/10/2020 1400

Got it. I've added this task:  
    [T][?] homework (by: Friday, Oct 23, 2020 2.00 pm) 
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

delete [list of task numbers] - Deletes tasks

Deletes all the tasks with the task numbers.

Example of usage: delete 1 2 3

I have deleted the following item:  
    [T][?] running  
	[E][?] marathon (at: 2pm)  
	[T][?] sing  
You got 2 task(s) left.

find [list of keywords] - Find tasks with given keywords

Find all the tasks with at least 1 of the matching keyword.

Example of usage: find run sing jump

I found 3 items with the given keyword(s):
	1. [T][?] run
	2. [T][?] sing
	3. [T][?] jumping

list - Returns all the tasks in the list

Shows all the tasks currently stored in the list.

Example of usage: list

There are 4 items in your list:
	1. [E][?] marathon (at: 2pm)
	2. [T][?] run
	3. [T][?] sing
	4. [T][?] jumping

clear list - Removes all the tasks in the list

Remove all the tasks in the list. Example of usage: clear list

I have cleared the list!


Updated UI v1.2 on 14/09/2020: GUI v1.2 Updated UI v1.1 on 05/09/2020: GUI v1.1 GUI v1.1

New GUI on JavaFXML UI 01/09/2020: v1.0
GUI v0.1

UPDATE: Deprecated method 01/09/2020: King now runs on javaFXML GUI.
Simply download JAR file in release v0.1 and run on your local system.
The program requires minimum Java SDK 11. To run the JAR file simply run java -jar ip.jar.
Refer to the fork for the project template.

____  __.__
|    |/ _|__| ____    ____
|      < |  |/    \  / ___\
|    |  \|  |   |  \/ /_/  >
|____|__ \__|___|  /\___  /
       \/       \//_____/

Hello! I'm King
What can I do for you?


National University of Singapore CS2103T Software engineering project


Language:Java 95.1%Language:Shell 1.9%Language:CSS 1.6%Language:Batchfile 1.4%