toder34 / FormProcessor

Easy form validation and masking

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple form validation and masking plugin with jQuery

  • Validation rules controlled by HTML attributes
  • Easly create your own validation rules
  • Supports Ajax calls

How to use:

Make sure to include jQuery in your page:

<script src=""></script>

Include jQuery FormProcessor:

<script src="jquery.formProcessor.js"></script>

Initialize jQuery FormProcessor:


HTML Setup

Add data-req attribute with one of the validation methods available:

<input type="text" name="my_field" data-req="required">

Add data-mask attribute to use masking plugin included:

<input type="text" name="my_phone_field" data-mask="(99) 9999-99999">


FormProcessor uses callback functions to handle validation, they need to be setup on the options object when initializing:

   * Type: Function
   * Description: Function called when submit process starts
   * Parameter: form - jQuery form element
  onStart: function( form ) {},

   * Type: Function
   * Description: Function called when field validation fails
   * Parameter: input - jQuery (input, select, textarea) element
   * Parameter: form - jQuery form element
  onError: function( input, form ) {},

   * Type: Function
   * Description: Function called when field validation fails
   * Parameter: form - jQuery form element
   * Parameter: valid - Boolean indicating if the form values passed all validation rules
  onEnd: function( form, valid ) {},

   * Type: Function
   * Description: Function called when ajax call fails
   * Parameter: form - jQuery form element
  onAjaxError: function( form ) {},

   * Type: String
   * Description: Selectors used to filter the field for a form
  formFilter: ‘input[data-req], select[data-req], textarea[data-req],

   * Type: String
   * Description: Selector used to remove some elements from the one found by "formFilter"
  ignoreFilter: ‘’,

   * Type: Boolean
   * Description: Stops when the first field fails validation
  stopOnError: true,

   * Type: String
   * Description: if true triggers validation on field blur event, form submit keeps working
  validateOnBlur: false,

   * Type: String
   * Description: if true apllies mask to all form fields with data-mask attribute on plugin inicialization
  autoMask: true

Validation Methods

Validation methods are used on each field that you want to make required. Just add a data-req="method_name" attribute to the field. Some methods can have parameters on them, check the demos for more details on that.

  • required - Most basic, test if the field has value or not
  • email - Tests if the field value is an e-mail
  • date{format} - Tests if value is date. Receives the data format as a parameter eg.: datareq="date{m/d/y}"
  • number - Tests if value is a number
  • range{min,max} - Tests if value is a number and is between [min,max] range
  • matches{selector} - Tests if the value is equal to the value of the given selector

You can create your own validation methods to suit your needs.

$.addValidationRule( 'method_name', function(){
  //Validation logic
  return true || false;
} );


Basic usage, includes mask

Custom validation rules


Easy form validation and masking


Language:JavaScript 59.9%Language:PHP 37.3%Language:HTML 2.8%