toddsantoro / lets-chat

Self-hosted chat for small teams

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Let's Chat

A self-hosted chat app for small teams.


Features and Stuff

  • BYOS (bring your own server)
  • Persistent messages
  • Multiple rooms
  • New message alerts
  • Mentions (hey @you)
  • Image embeds
  • Code pasting
  • File uploads
  • MIT Licensed

Upcoming Features

  • API
  • Better transcripts with search
  • Better error handling
  • Emote autocomplete
  • Access control
  • Mobile client

Getting started

Install nodejs and mongo

Clone le repo

git clone
cd lets-chat

Install node dependencies

npm install

Create a settings file (make sure to edit if you need to).

cp settings.js.sample settings.js

Run the app

node app.js

Party time: http://localhost:5000

Deploying to Heroku

Remove settings.js from .gitignore and uncomment the line // db_url: process.env.DATABASE_URL. Be sure to set the DATABASE_URL config variable on heroku to your mongo url. To get your mongo URL, add a mongolab add-on, find its database url config variable, and set the DATABASE_URL to that url. For instance, to do this with the free tier of mongolab on a heroku app called heroku-app-name:

heroku addons:add mongolab -a heroku-app-name
heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=`heroku config:get MONGOLAB_URI -a heroku-app-name` -a heroku-app-name

Additionally, you should set the following config variables from heroku config variables by changing their values to config_var_name: process.env.CONFIG_VAR_NAME and running heroku config:set CONFIG_VAR_NAME=config_var_value -a heroku-app-name:


Note that you must use s3 (or hack in a different solution) to allow file uploads with lets-chat on heroku, as the filesystem is not persisted across heroku deploys.

Finally, be sure to enable heroku's websockets support, otherwise will fall back to XHR polling and run super slowly.

heroku labs:enable websockets -a heroku-app-name

Now you can push your app to heroku!

git remote add heroku
git push heroku master

You must compile all of your assets and commit them before deploying (TODO: heroku asset pipeline?).


Self-hosted chat for small teams

License:MIT License