todd-james / VisitMonthlyTotals

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Visit Monthly Totals

This repo is a simple Snakemake process that aggregates GPS Visit locations that are created in GPStoVisits and counts the total number of visits in 125m grid cells.


  • Environment Variable:
    • Vists data filepath (visits_path)

This should be set up in a local .env file, that may look something like this:


and can be initialised by running export $(cat .env | xargs)


To execute this pipline, run snakemake -j<No. cores>

General Summary

The Snakefiles does through a simple process:

  1. Gathering all files (containing visit locations) from the same month
  2. Counting the number of visits per grid cell in
  3. Output total number of visits for that month in each grid cell

This pipeline was created to conduct some spatial syntax analysis of activity patterns in Kyoto, Japan.



Language:Python 100.0%